Which event in American history took place on December 16, 1773?
Correct answer: Boston Tea Party
Player GayleP, I wonder what socially acceptable things we're doing now that the future will judge us for being psychotic.
Big Blue Narwhal, The biggest cup of tea in history!
who brought the milk & sugar??
Player #33497296
TipTopAardvark11495, Not sure how psychotic fits here. Englishmen (here) were
responding (perhaps overly so) to repeated unfair taxes Not imposed on Englishmen in England. No one was representing Englishmen in America in Parliament. Hence, 'Taxation without representation'.
Player #11046804coco
Player #5602826, lighten up and enjoy this great beautiful God and our brave military has given the world.
Player #33497296, sounds all too familiar
Guillermo, the water was probably too cold to properly Brew the tea anyway.
this is the best!!anyways plz leave a like for meh! but I miss my 2 cats they were bad but I loved them plz leave a like😢😭😰
total guess and was right.
Hmm ... funny, today is December 16th
Everyone has an opinion
must have been a little chilly out there.
anyone know of an organization called the improved order of the redmen