The Coromandel Peninsula is located in which country?
Correct answer: New Zealand

Syr Hal
A bit of a trick question. The famous Coromandel Coast is in India. But one had to see past this and realise that the question was about the Coromandel PENINSULA!

A stunning part of NZ

Syr Hal I was positive sure that it was in India so I press the answer quickly. I never knew there is also a peninsula with that name

Beautiful white sand beaches on one side and rocky on the other, great short hikes over top, natural spring hot water beach is there... dig your own pool. Great fishing

My grandparents lived there - beautiful place, excellent fishing!

There's no way you can see Auckland from the Coromandel Peninsula. 55km is way too far

my whole family used to holiday there, yearly, when I was a small child. have wonderful memories of the Trams we stayed in On the Beach!!! , building huge sandcastles and having FUN 😉

Jason Sam David
I think it was Coromandel coast but it was coromandel peninsula in new zealand ond coromandel coast is present in india