What is the highest mountain in California?
Correct answer: Mount Whitney
Guessed at this one & lost; but I learned something. So, it's a win any way you look at it. That's why I like this game. If I'm correct, my ego stroked; and if I'm wrong, I've learned something. I'm a winner either way.
CO peaks have a 1-mile head start.
Miss Sue
ChampionNymph37634, Very thoughtful, indeed !
JasonR1972, is there something about contiguous and highest you don’t understand?
smarty pants
when I hear that mountain l think of whitney Houston
Player #45505475
knowbrains, Breathe, relax > repeat as needed. Situation will improve.
I have a small rock from atop of Whitney when my cousin and family hiked to the top years ago.
Player #22219162, it is near Lone Pine, which is between Lancaster and Bishop. Route 395
Player #25028854, I think I learn something whether I use the hints or not!
Princess Nugget
where is it in california?
Player #5100533
I'm from Florida, we ain't got NO mountains here. So, I missed it. But, I got the second place answer.... 😞
Player #5100533
Tanya, Obviously by someone named Whitney... Duhhh.
I wonder how it was named?