Which vowel sound is different in these words?
Correct answer: Apple

Didn't understand the question! Very poorly worded.

I did not get the question.

Not worded properly

question asks which vowel sound is different, not which word

David Phethean
dont get rhe question, which words? in the picture

Player #728047
Judging from the paragraph following this question; The question, itself, should have asked, "Which vowel is...", rather than, "Which vowel sound is....". Just sayin'.

sheer total guess because the question was completely unintelligible.

Player #2438477
Izzylxxiv, The question had a list of 4 words, 3 of these had the same vowel 'u', one had the vowel 'a'.

this question makes no sense. it's like sesame street one of these things is not like the other one of these things just doesn't belong. confused wording.

robertthemoose14, The correctness of word pronunciation depends largely on your country of origin and the language you speak.

This has to be the easiest and strangest question I've come across in the 1100 I've answered and I find it weird that some have chosen u as the answer

Mars V
Even finding out the answer didn’t help me understand the question.

not sure I get this, apple is sounded like it's said, so what is the difference between the a sound and the a in apple

AlleyPalley, I agree. it is verry badly written. it needs to be re-phrased then people might understand it correctly

Dr Walnut
GiGi2010, It’s trivia to those with a different primary language.

AlleyPalley, I absolutely agree!

well it sounds different because it's a different vowel altogether. 🙄

Player #9442102
AlleyPalley, which word sounded different? The vowel sound was the same in first three words.

AlleyPalley, No it wasn't

not so hard. three were (u) and the other was (a). geez

they all have Uh as in HUNT.
apple stands apart with A as in CAT, HAT & ...apple

couldn't understand the question. not clear what you wanted at all.

Poorly explained question that seems to have too obvious an answer

unclear question and explanation. went for apple simply because it's the only word with a silent e

Player #2056877
UnhingedNomad78901, you all are so funny lol

Player #1873388
How is anyone supposed to know the answer

LibraLady1010, I'm with you Libra, and Robert the Moose It was a valid question and easy if you pronounced to words. I don't cry foul if I get one wrong.

Seriously you guys who say you didn't understand this? It has to be the simplest question I've seen in this quiz. Just say the words aloud and it's obviously apple!

David Phethean, the words listed under the picture. Pronounce the words aloud. Apple is the only one without the "uh" vowel sound.