What is the meaning of the term "Irish Twins" (besides twins born in Ireland/Northern Ireland)?
Correct answer: Siblings born less than twelve months apart

My brother and I are Irish twins. I was born the day after my mom turned 41. My brother was born 11 months later when she was still 41. Nearly killed her.

i'm an Irish twin, an actual twin and have irish ancestors lol

I'm an Irish twin & didnt even know it

I have 3 half-brothers. The eldest was born in July, then there was a set of twins born the following June. So are they Irish triplets?

Anna Moran-Coleman
I’m a Irish twin 11 months between my Brother & I and we stay the same age for 54 days ☘️

Player #2985898
I have a cousin who had 4 kids born within 2 years. There was a set of real twins involved.

Kathleen Miles, I gave birth to my oldest daughter on Jan 18 1984 an to my second one on Dec 20 1984.

Never heard that phrase.

Player #16777391
ha ah sure i know tha because i haven't stopped hearing me ma going on about ot for last 32 yrs lol I be 33 end of August me bro be 34 start September so just little under 12 months 🥳🥳

Player #16535373
my brother and sister are Irish twins

my mum Ann Marie Quinn had 2 of them.
Deirdre and Declan.
Ann and Aisling Quinn

blah blah blah
The main reason "poor Irish" families had so many children is not because of "lack of birth control", it is because most were Catholic, and birth control wasn't allowed...gotta make more little Catholic's, dontcha know.

Always wondered why I had such a strange twin like connection to my brother

Tina M.
I just heard about Irish twins a few months ago. The person who told me thought it means siblings who are very close in age but not necessarily 12 months. I'll have to inform her of the true meaning.

Player #121204467
Well, my youngest brothers, my two eldest sons, my husband and his sister, they're all Irish. It's very funny, because in my generation we were told that we all came from France, brought by a stork, so we were all French.

Smart Kitten
I have never heard about it, good to learn.

I am one as well. Did not know the term used until now. Cool!

Player #85529898
Arohanui, the language of the times

There are six children in my family. My sister, who is the eldest, was born in June; my brother, who's the second eldest, was born the following May. I was born the following April. So I guess there are two sets of Irish twins in my family!

Arohanui, as the explanation stated...it originated as a derogatory term therefore, yes. I assume pejorative.

Arohanui, It was intended to be derogatory. Nineteenth century Irish immigrants fleeing successive famines at home were often treated very badly in some parts of the US. This happens every time there is a large influx of asylum seekers and refugees seeking entry to the US.

I think the reason a lot of us have never heard this term is because it originated in the 1800's and is not commonly used today. Just because we haven't heard it doesn't make it untrue.

Player #81284223
I did not know that! I have never heard that term!

Gunnar Gunderson
CyanJaguar62, Yes, it is pejorative.

I was an Italian triplet

I have Irish twins. Boy born in Feb and girl in Jan. It's the best gift twins with out birthing all at once.

Uninitialized, Did you mean 1985?

smarty pants
clearly not using birth control.

I am ten months older than my brother. i was born December my brother was born October the following year. I took my first step the very day my brother was born😃😄

Carol, My granddaughters are Irish twins. For 1 week they are the same age.♥️

I know about the term as I have 2 friends that are Irish twins-did not know it was also called Catholic twins.

still sounds like a slur to me.

I have 2 friends that both are Irish twins-one is Catholic and the other is Baptist. Neither one of them knew this fact. THANKS!

Player #12121185
Charlotte, God bless your poor mother!

Player Johnmtn
I'm not sure if that information is correct. I'm Irish, and never heard of Irish Twins. Probably a phrase that's used in America only.

CrayC 13
Never knew that; learn something new everyday!

Player #41466611
Men are instopable .... poor women lol

I wasn't sure whether it was 'Siblings (not twins) who look identical to each other' or 'Siblings born less than 12 months apart.' Thankfully the 50/50 knocked out the wrong choice!

Player #31410113, What an amazing Mam! 😊

max, Or it could just be saying that they're very fertile🤔