What brand is this?
Correct answer: Apple

Ijustwantto play!
Gerald &Estie Anderson, Since at least the 17th-century, scholars have agreed that the answer is to be found in a quirk of the Latin language. The Latin word for apple is "malum," which happens to be a homonym of the Latin word for "evil." Since, the argument goes, the forbidden fruit caused the fall of man and humanity's expulsion from paradise, it is certainly a terrible malum ("evil"). So what fruit is a more likely candidate than the malum, "apple"? This view has become received wisdom and is found in scholarly works across fields and disciplines

It looks like an apple.

Horrible question and wrong on multiple levels.

Gerald &Estie Anderson
Read the Bible before you Quote!!!

Gerald &Estie Anderson
The Bible does not Name the Fruit!!!

Jamie, the bite tells me the answer

little b, i dont like the apple company

little b
i dont like the apple 🍎 company

The bite tells me the answer