In 2000, which candidate won the presidency but lost the popular vote by about 540,000 votes?
Correct answer: George W. Bush

BroxQuizPersona, The USA is a constitutional representative democratic republic made up of individual states; it is not a full-blown democracy, something the founding fathers detested. Congressional House members represent their constituents; Senate members represent their states (they are supposed to anyway). Furthermore, the Electoral College prevents high population centers from reigning roughshod over the rest of the country.

Player #3552160
Missy K,
It is about making all States important not just the States with the biggest population. Why would anyone running for president care about going to small cities or towns. They would just go to the top 25 cities and the rest of the country be damned

TurboWolf44, right on sister!!!! Many people believe we live in a plain democracy

Do high schools or colleges still even teach US Government anymore? And if so, do the instructors even KNOW what the students should learn?

Seems to be becoming a theme.

freegal1776, Not really. Anything that's *positive*, or *pro- American* (or even History) has been removed from schools. 'Civics', patriotism, Hell, even the Pledge of Allegiance is gone. It doesn't fit-in to the left-leaning Progressive agenda of the teacher unons, or the "Libs" in general.
Remember- an educated population is the enemy of the Socialists!
They indoctrinate the students to blindly follow and not ask questions!

Player #24358685
Player #13185910, you mean the Supreme Court halted the continuous recounting until they got the result (Gore) that they wanted. This is a common occurrence. It happened here in Washington for governor. Republican Dino Rossi led by a small margin over Democrat Christine Gregoire. That triggered an automatic recount, which Rossi won by a smaller margin. That resulted in a second recount, also won by Rossi but by a yet smaller margin. As Rossi tried to get the election called, the Democrat-controlled election board started a third recount, all the time more ballots mysteriously showing up. Finally, Gregoire had a handful of votes more than Rossi. The election board immediately declared that the final vote and certified Gregoire as the winner. And people say It was legit! Why her thin margin didn't trigger an automatic recall, no one knows.

greg d
it could only happen in america...

since the total count was within the margin of error, it will always be unsure who actually won the popular vote

so you want LA and NYC and big population centers deciding who is president.

can't believe I forgot this one!

For anyone confused by this, think about the US Congress. Why a House of Representatives and a Senate? It was to give smaller states like Rhode Island more say in Washington and states with large populations like Virginia less influence. (It may be interesting to note that Virginia was a slave state at the time.) The Founding Fathers knew what they were doing.

Player #41063518
That he lost in his own state tells you all you need to know. Just listen to those in AR complain about the clintons

Player #36324743
that he lost in his home state is telling

TurboWolf44, People are people no matter where they live, and each deserves to have their vote count. Which are ignored with the "college." It's been controversial in every close election, and rightly so. (Not that it would solve the problem of so much corruption and other voting injustices.)

Harry Ceeword
elizabeth bennett, You are from Russia. Sad

Player #4250921, you mean he stole it.

Player #4250921
Montana Lady, check your facts. According to Wikipedia anyway, Bush won Florida by 537 votes (a razor thin victory, but a victory nonetheless)

Not all players are from the USA.

fyi...There is an intersection in Toronto Clinton Ave. & Gore St.

Player #3552160
Need to go back to Senate being chosen by the State Reps and not by popular vote. That is the way it was intended. Thanks W. Wilson

TipTopAardvark11495, ahahaha funny!!

Missy K
Does our vote really count if in all actuality it doesn't count and the electoral college decides elections? It's all set up, big corporations are the real decision makers in elections. Lobbying and the electoral college needs to be done away, It's all corrupt.

1. [insert comment about how the electoral college needs to be done away with]
2. [insert reply comment on the real purpose and value of the electoral college]

Player #2625757
Well, as they say: "Life does go on".

Player #2018
Electoral votes are more important than popular votes because electoral votes means how many states did the presidential candidate won even if the candidate just got one more vote in that one particular state.

NobleYak13000, I'm right beside you!