Who was the first Pope of the Catholic Church?
Correct answer: St Peter

Larry Boggs
I know the Bible and Peter was not a pope

I love it when a religious question comes up.. I think to myself ''here we go'', everyone that comments just argues with eachother and gets no where. The comments people say make this game entertaining. Cheers!

only for the cult group known as the catholic church. there is no biblical reference for the pope. but there is biblical references against the pope.
only through Christ Jesus can we communicate or have a direct relationship with God.

Heartland Old Guy
Can we agree that humans as a whole are flawed? It all started with Adam and Eve remember? So no matter what we do or invent, even the way we invent religious institutions can and usually come out wrong. Whenever you add humans into the mix things will not be perfect, period. Why do you think there are so many protestant denominations? Why do you think there are east and west Catholic denominations? People just can't seem to agree.and it is not just Christianity, Judiasm too has more than one branch, as does Islam. Who is right? Guess we will all find out at the end.
By the way I am American Baptist - guess how many Baptist denominations there are - my brother is Catholic, my mother Methodist, so I know a bit about the differences. But I think it is clear that Simon Peter was the rock that founded the catholic or universal Christian Church, and that evolved into the Roman Catholic Church, which split in two, and also gave birth to protestantism and other offshoots. All you have to do is read history, and it is amazing what you can learn.

people have been arguing, hating, and dying over these questions and beliefs for thousands of years. And clearly Jesus would've wept at that fact. yet we all keep it up. everybody, please remember to love our neighbor.

Bishop and Pope are not the same thing

WhisperingRover91587, How dare you. Some catholic churches are bad but not all of them. some if my best friends are catholics and they are the nicest people and love the Lord. And at the end of the day, as long as you truly love the Lord and seek to do the right thing, does it really matter what religion you belong too?!

RappingBugaboo28648, It's comments like these that make people fear religion. I'm atheist and I would never belittle another person for their beliefs no matter what they believe in. If you told me you worshipped turtles i would still respect your beliefs

Larry Boggs, as you accurately point out, the Bible doesn't mention Peter as pope. This was an invention of the Roman Catholic Church. It would have been better written, "According to Roman Catholic tradition, who was the first pope?"

Peter was not a pope to the catholic church in the way that “popes” are today... he would Never have put up with all the holier than thou, pomp and circumstance of the catholic religion... he didnt even count himself worthy to be crucifyed right side up because Christ was.. he was crucifyed upside down at his own request.

tomoteo is correct

Larry Boggs, not during biblical times, because there was no Catholic church then, Christ was Jewish.

Player #118382186
I don't have an issue with a Catholic, (however misled as they are on this topic), 2 go ahead and label Peter as that, as long as it's agreed he could not actually have been 'Pope' because that particular term wasn't even created for man during his earthly time here on earth.

Larry Boggs, Peter was one of the 12 Apostles of Jesus. Roman Catholic tradition holds that Jesus established St. Peter as the first pope (Matthew 16:18). Jesus also gave him “the keys of the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 16:19), which is why he is often depicted at the gates of heaven in art and popular culture.

Major Naive Cube
Spending more time in the comments than in the game 🤣🤣🤣

Player #46835611, Actually the reason for the season is greed and commercialism

manuel p. justiniano, Peter was not a Christian. He, Jesus and his followers were Jews.

Polo, read the comments. He wasn't a pope as we know the meaning today.

I did not know Peter was the Pope.

Wannabe Vulcan
El18, nor did they ever excommunicate Hitler. (By contrast, Josef Mengele's alma mater revoked his medical degree after the war.)

jhay r
Larry Boggs, yes exactly you are absolutely right

religion is one of the biggest causes of arguments

RedSeaDiver69, Really Christmas as we know it has nothing to do with Jesus. He was not born on Christmas this is a pagan holiday.

Larry Boggs, The people who crucified him are the Roman.

Peter was not a pope

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away...

RappingBugaboo28648, that would require your god to exist though, lol

Heartland Old Guy, you are 100% correct. Raised non-denom Christian by non-judgmental mom, and I believe each of us is entitled to our own belief, in whoever we want to believe in. As long as it isn't hurting anyone, I'm not judging.

Player #50531971
this explanation comes out of a catechism, not a history book. please do not promote any religion with your game. please educate about the people of other religions because your players are obviously mostly from the judeo-christian tradition, as evidenced by the comments on the questions in general.

RedSeaDiver69, they say that JC was a Jew,yet his mother's tongue was Aramaic.Things that make you go hmm.

Anna Gomez-Beltran
Larry Boggs, i agree with u on that. This explaination is FALSE, and must be corrected

Player #47903089
What? Not true ..he is not catholic. Catholic came way after Jesus Christ

i only know peter is a saint and jesus deciple...but not a pope

Peter was not a pope in Christian era, Jesus Crist was not a catholic.

gamehappy0728, I agree.
The Catholic Church supported the Nazis during WW2, and there is clear evidence they knew they were killing Jews. Evidence they are anti-Semitic.
We've had endless wars under them, the inquisition, thousands of cases of peodofilia worldwide, financial scandals, repression of science, and religious terrorism over the minds and souls of people... when will it stop?
I'm sure there is more but I'm struggling to remember at this moment.
(Last comment in a collection of comments, reading backwards.)
Also the Babylon that is referred to in the Bible was a reference for Rome. It was actually called that at the time. This is common knowledge.
Jesus said evil would never prevail against his church, and Peter's church, but it has so many times, so there must be something wrong.
The Catholic Church has been responsible for the torture and murder of hundreds of millions of innocent and good people over the years, including the recent peodofilia.
Jesus was a Jew, he believed in Jewish beliefs, and all religions real message is about love. Surely what you have here is an old war between the Romans and Jews, that is still going on because Rome don't want to lose their power and authority.
... Jesus tells the disciples they are all equal, after they fought over who Jesus loved more. He told them none of them will have power and authority over the others.
Roman Emperors were considered to be Gods. They were called Pontifux Maximus. They worshipped pagan gods and believed they were also Gods. They were a mighty and powerful empire. I don't believe at the fall of the Roman Empire, they would just let all their power and ego fall into nothing. They'd probably like to find a way to be able to keep their power and authority over as much of the world as possible.
There is archeological evidence (e.g. Constantine's Archway) that Constantine wasn't really Christian, even though he said he was. He worshipped the sun god. That's why lots of the pagan holidays were kept.