Who is this weapon designer from Soviet Union history?
Correct answer: Mikhail Kalashnikov

evil will apply all tools towards destruction of human lives.
club, knife or fire, hate will find it's arms.

people take lives, not guns

How about J. Robert Oppenheimer? Talk about sorry for their invention. Even the Feds stepped in to shut him up. Rehabilitated, yeah, years later. Man was a genius. Look at his picture. It radiates.

Player #4319749
WaldoLydeker, I built missile launchers for the defence of my country, yet am a pacifist. l'd like to think they were used only used for deterence, but know better. I then built fire trucks & homes & helped in food shields as a counter. You can only do what you can do.🇺🇸

Player #9113963
so good of him to have this concern. on his heart..do sorry he carried this burden..we all have in our lives regrets some so heavy to bear.

mathias ri.
with dynamite can do also good but with kalashnikovs destructive invention only take peoples life. Again he invented it for his people who where weaponwise in an disadvantage. It was good that the germans where defeated. And i am german by the way

Player #23290287
Nobel also regretted creating dynamite.

Sarah Winchester, was also afraid of how many lives were taken, with the rifle made by the Winchesters. She built a bizarre house, with stairs that went nowhere, to keep the evil spirits, away. What an interesting place, that would be interesting to visit.

It's not his fault that his rifle ended up being used by so many criminals. He didn't put the weapon in their hands and tell them to go out and use it. The same with the invention of nuclear bombs.
Oh, Mikhail... Repentance leads to redemption, but I don't think you should be held responsible for the actions of others. 😔❤️

Floss4Me, Believe me guns take lives.

mathias ri., It wasn't all Germans, just the nazis, unfortunately the right is on the rise again throughout Europe.

Player #4319749, good on you for your building homes and fine engines.

Listen to Chris Stapleton's "Peacemaker" a good song.

Player #66396169, you need to study a bit more, especially about the reason for the 2nd amendment. And contrary to what gun-haters believe, "AR" doesn't mean "assault rifle." It's short for "Armalite", the company that invented the AR-15, and used as prefix for model #'s (AR-7, AR-10, AR-15).

Player #51457099
Floss4Me, I think the guns help.

Kalashnikov is no doubt a deadly weapon. But what about atomic bombs, biogas weapons etc.

Player #15881782
the ak47 is is nothing more then a modified sturmgehwer mp44 which was developed by Germany in 1944. like the mg42 and mg43 they were very destructive weapons.

Floss4Me, thats true. Thats a choice of human being. The weapons cant kill if humans sont use them.

Player #9442102, there are enough orher guns to replace the ak, it isn't the only one uses

imagine a world without guns

Dr Elton Wong Longsc
As Cyberdyne Systems Model T101 so eloquently stated eons ago "Humans. Its in your nature to destroy yourselves".

Player Darius
JasonR1972, so very true

CrystalSalmon34760, I understood that his rank was Sargent and he personally made no money for his design of the weapon.

Rest in Peace! I think he was so overly remorseful.

WaldoLydeker, not funny