Who is the most nominated actor/actress in Golden Globe Awards history?
Correct answer: Meryl Streep

ZealousforZebras, unlike some, just because they are entertainers does not make them heros or someone I might want to listen vs anyone else in the world. It's great when famous actors or athletes also want to share opinions on important matters. But there opinions weigh no more or less than you and me. And I loathe the whole Kardashian following.....just get over themselves already.

Mardell Riley
She is a exceptional actress and I truly enjoy her as a sister as well in this difficult world , her thoughts are deep and reflective. She takes a lot of time to examine topics throughly before she speaks on them , and doesnt just make remarks. No we are not related.

I absolutely love her. There isn't a movie role that she doesn't knock out of the park!!!

CrunchyDonut28347, just ignore the Kardashian Klan like I do.

Player #2445171
HarleyMidgeyMom95., I agree! I’m paying to see them act and I couldn’t care less about their opinions or politics.

Player #9495659
CrunchyDonut28347, Totally agree, especially the Kardashians. No talent, but tons of money. Yes they are pretty, but with their money most of us could look that good.

MikaylaSunrise1967, your right, i dont think that the actors and actresses should use that time to spread their political agenda. bad taste, low class, disrespectful..

Loved her in "Death Becomes Her"!

love her

She is a remarkable woman & actress, my favorite "Sophie's Choice" wonderful & heartbreaking. I don't care what anyone says she's magnificent.

Player #111080687, I was disgusted as well. I walked in, immediately saw something cute on the rack; pulled it out; it was adorable. The sale price on the crack was fantastic. I checked the tag inside for the size tags, since those hangars usually lie. The tag said Kardashian and I took an involuntary step back, looked at the rack again and saw they were all Kardashian clothes. I put the outfit back and left the store, but I still felt dirty.

Player #9495659, And as I understand, since their FATHER owns that studio, Idt we'll be rid of the Kardashians anytime soon, sad to say. 🥴

Great actress

Hey, all those free meals, eh??

CrunchyDonut28347, I so agree with you about the Kardashians who cares what they think not me. I have not watched one of there shows and NEVER WILL!

Meryl Streep is an amazing actress. Sophie’s Choice was heartbreaking!!!

Player #111080687
I used to work at a Sears store and was totally disgusted when they started carrying a clothing line with the Kardashian name.

Well deserved No better movie than out of Africa

Orville Parker Gildock
That just had to be the answer.

CrunchyDonut28347, the band Rush has a song titled "Nobody's Hero" that echoes your sentiment exactly...couldn't agree more.

HarleyMidgeyMom95., some entertainers are more intelligent and knowledgeable than others. It should be expected that some of them will care a lot about their politics and, being expressive people, express themselves. You don't have to agree with them but you should at least consider the points they make, particularly from smart, thoughtful people like Meryl Streep!

Player #18854801
Can't find a better, more entertaining actress.

Player #31967608
penawareof, My favorite move she did is It's Complicated". I love her too!

Great actress!

Bon guru 2
citywomancountygirl, who are they? are they famous or something? don't really know what they do.

Player Me
Thios#1, yes, just keep her political preferences to herself, and just act.

Player #15356356
I always loved Michelle Phiefer and Goldie Hawn.

Player Tystyx

Player #6723658
MeanResource10, Actually, we watch them in the end product of their hard work. Maybe try yoga.

Player #6723658
HarleyMidgeyMom95., 'You're '

Loved her in "The Devil Wears Prada"

Player #10628065
Most talented actor of which I can think.

citywomancountygirl, true

Tinker20665, exactly, they get paid for being narcissistic and letting the world watch them in every aspect of their lives, ugh

My wife adores her!