What is Endocarditis?
Correct answer: Infection of the heart

good info!!

Player #32825072
This is inflammation of the heart. Not infection! Check the meaning of "itis"

IV drug users are at risk of it as well. Sad to say I've known a couple of people that have died due to it.

Player #3833664, you tend to be to nègative in youŕ comments.listen and learn more. lighten up.please!

Player #120374466
Dental care is so vital to our overall health, especially the heart. But most people don't have access to it because it's too expensive. Dental insurance is also expensive with minimal coverage

heart disease is the number one reason for sudden death these days😿

Player #32825072, Correct! it is cause by and infection elsewhere in the body as explained. pretty close but it wasn't correct I agree, but on with the game, we'll done.

Player #5099592
JaKKeBrOwN, mouth is germist yours toi.

Player #5099592
JaKKeBrOwN, everycone heart stops when they die

Player #3833664
So "it's uncommon in those with healthy hearts" Errr? Wonder why *rolls eyes* Just who is writing these blurbs...