Why did President Theodore Roosevelt declare the Grand Canyon a National Monument instead of a National Park?
Correct answer: All three reasons.

And now President Clueless wants uranium mined there. He's destroying our country

jebrdi2006, I've been 3 times! Never gets old.

Player #2302284
My mom and I took a trip to the Grand Canyon on our cross country trip. It is really spectacular to see. The river looks like a ribbon when looking down from top.

NationalisticThread3, you so need to come and see it. I live here so seen it many times. it's just beautiful.

Player #19472386
The president was a smart fellow in what he did to preserve this beautiful area.

Always "all the above"

Player #5080443, you should Everybody should.

NationalisticThread3, It is magical. I saw it in 1987. We drove up from the Painted Desert, getting little peaks around boulders, then wham it is in your face. pictures and video do not do it justice. A person cannot understand the grandness until they see it in person.

Player, your new president is doing a better job of destroying this country!

NationalisticThread3, my Husband and I live about 2 hours from the Grand Canyon, still amazed every time we see it.

Player #2302284, It’s majestic.

Cami Turner
Player, the last 4 presidents have been clueless, to which are you referring

Player #118539352
Dustin, life will end in 30, 29, 28, 27…….

Player #120374466
Barbie, Yes, I know what you mean. It's similar to viewing Crater Lake. It doesn't seem real.

My wife and I pulled over to the side so we could have a look. The real fun would be to hike through it and spend the night.

Bells D
Player #mimi2157, been there. amazing!! absolutely go if you can

Player #mimi2157, it’s mesmerizing. kind of too big to fathom. anybody who’s seen it know what i mean?

The Grand Canyon is Awe-Inspiring!!!

lifeisfun53, that is a coincidence

Player, is be furious if he is successful. They need to leave things alone 😔

My friend went to the grand canon this summer and now I really want to go

Hiked the canyon in '75, in January. Down the Kaibab and up the Bright Angel. One of the most spiritual places.

I love the grand canyon it's so beautiful I've been there many times we also took my mom there she loved it I'm an Arizona Native

You got that right an it's such a gorgeous place to see.

Player #mimi2157, had the opportunity to see it in the winter under six-seven inches of freshly fallen snow...

I can s.ee it when I whant

Player #mimi2157, I hope you do. it to me was the most beautiful area I've ever seen. I've been to the north and south rims, and seen it from above. I hope to see it from below one day

I actually live in AZ (have been for most of my life) and have yet to vist the Grand Canyon. Definitely on my bucket list though.

It was nice to learn something new about the Grand Canyon

Player, pffffft

Player #mimi2157, you should really go it's a stunning view 😄

good old "All 3"

Player #26634561
Just like congress today they can’t do and agree on anything. Glad he went around them it is one of the most amazing and wonderful places I’ve been.

Player #25479611
i think the fact that it says all three are correct means all three are correct. but i would love to go see it!

First time I saw it, I actually stumbled backwards. Absolutely breathtaking.

Player #14701708
Also my bucket list and times running out

All of the above is ALWAYS the answer

Player #7432266
Player, no kidding.