What was the name of the Space Shuttle that exploded in 1986?
Correct answer: Challenger

I was a sophmore in high school and my teacher brought a tv in our classroom so we could watch the launch. Instead we watched 7 people die right before our eyes. I will never forget that.

I knew Christa as a teacher. She joked about looking forward to the Tang.

Montana Lady
How did this description fail to mention either the teacher's name, Christa McAuliffe, or O-rings? I was a little kid and that's most of what I remember of the tragedy.

LibraLady1010, i applied for that Teacher In Space position.

I was working in the Space Shuttle program at the time. The loss was devastating to all of us.

Kermit57, so did my 4th grade teacher. i remember as the launch started she said, "that could been me!"...and rhen after the explosion, she collapsed into her chair and mumbled, "that could have been me..."

I watched it explode from my backyard in Florida. I'll never forget that day, nor the entire crew

I was 9 when it happened living in Houston so of course we watched it as well. Though I cried at the horror of it but I still remember thinking about how horrific it must of been for her students to watch and how much that probably affected them all. Even today I still have watery eyes thinking about it! American school children who weren't alive for Kennedy, this was very heart breaking!

Player #9495659
I find it interesting, that when people hear something horrible and unexpected occurs, they will remember 40 plus years later what they were doing at that time. I was at J C Penny's shopping. The store had tv sets up throughout. When it was time for the rockt to go up, I stopped shopping and watched. I still can see The Challenger go up then suddenly explode. My brain kept saying no, no way and the camera centered on Krista McCullough's children and family. I had been following her journey. I kept saying to myself, no, God not like this. 40 plus years later, I find myself saying the same thing.

What a dark day for all

I worked in Mission Control Center as a computer operator at JSC. I’ve never forgotten that day

I was flying from Arizona to New York and after landing I asked the driver, “what’s going on? Why are the newspapers being sold on the bridge?”

braylonsgam, I live near Keene today and was horrified to find out she's still alive!! what a nasty joke to play on society!!!

Player #9442102, what tragedy? no one died, they are most are alive today! I'm completely serious. it's time to wake up people. stop believing everything the TV tells you!

nimblemoon, she's still alive! the deaths were a hoax! leave it to NASA...

Mary J Brockenshire, how are they answered when the correct answer isn't there?

Chardrac, I bet it made everyone involved in assembly or manufacture of parts look closely at their part of the whole project. My father wrote the programs used in the tracking stations around the globe. Instead of trusting someone else to install & test it, he'd go to the lication, install it, then check it for any bugs in the system.

That's what happens when administrators don't listen to their engineers.

i was a 7th grade middle school when it all happened😔

Player #126767483
stevedad64, The biggest tragedy I ever watched was the twin towers, although this was worse because I was so young.

LibraLady1010, Me too, your my age and I also watched it live just like you, like 911, it never leaves you

I was so overwhelmed and in shock, it took me years to fully process the tragedy. I will never forget.😥

ironically enough I remember it well too well I was at work that day and worked at manufacturing company that made some of the o-rings for the shuttle.... our o-rings did not fail it was the other set and another company but because we dealt in aerospace we obviously were watching and it was horrible and devastating and I was in denial for weeks.... many years have passed but I will never forget that day..

I remember where I was when it happened. Crazy sad.

At least they didn't suffer

LibraLady1010, I was a freshman in high school and also watched it live. I will never forget it either!

I remember seeing it happen.
a truly sad day. 🥺

I was in JR high but I was home that day and I will never forget those images it was a terrible thing to see

Montana Lady, how did this article fail to mention ALL of the astronauts?

Ambrosia1976, her daughter wasn’t happy that mother gone up to there sky from the earth. Because her daughter can feel about this as not good for her learnt about her mother. :-(

LibraLady1010, no way! Me too! I was in science class. It was a bummer.

Courtney Marie
Player #9495659, I was walking home from school on a half day and it was snowing in PA and my nana and I were watching it…I became a public school teacher and stayed one for almost 30 years in her honor

I know the answer because I was watching on TV in elementary school,.I'll never forget my poor teachers expression. some things can't be explained to a young child adequately.

LibraLady1010, i was eleven (6th grade) and we watched also. I was just talking about that the other day and thinking about all of us kids that watched in school. I mean I don't remember a lot of "talk" about it or any kind of counseling being offered,

LibraLady1010, omg, same here, I was in 8th grade and it was my birthday

Player #33716037
Player #9495659, Same with Kennedy assignation.

Player #33716037
katamria13, Me too.

LibraLady1010, I had the same experience as you, LL. Our excitement was quickly and horrifically replaced by shock and despair that, despite being in high school, we weren't prepared to deal with.

Player #49101312
i still remember the horror of that day. i live in florida and saw the launch and explosion. i watch every one now to make sure they don't blow up

Kitty Golightly
I did not have a TV at the time and so I was not aware of this happening, not until many years after the fact. Yeah, talk about being out of touch.