The flag in the picture was of what country or empire?
Correct answer: Benin Empire

What a bizarre flag!

Peter Montgomery
JezzerLX, do you have any idea of the violent acts committed over the centuries by people against others .. of different groups, cultured, towns, faiths, ethnicity, gender, land ownership money or power and for what .. power money greed. so many Christians killing each other, killing distant cousins babies so there is no other claimant to a throne, flaying people alive and making bags out of the skin, roasting g priests and people alive, cutting their guts open and dragging them through streets. no one is able to be excused from being so deliberately cruel .. so evil, just because they come from some particular group and not another. no one ,!. and by the way I'm white British no faith except that in a greater good and that we all have it in us to achieve that and be best kindest versions of ourselves. do not be so judgemental of others. work instead on best and kindest version of yourself .and recognising that in others and sharing that to change the world

come to the wildlife stay for the decapitation.

Player #K
So Benin, but in Nigeria AND with a Japanese-sounding capital (Edo)! Confusion, much?

Let's go to Benin and get beheaded