What was the most lethal American battle of WWII?
Correct answer: Battle of Normandy

Missy K
My Pop Pop was a paratrooper in WWII, in the last years of his life he finally opened and spoke about his time there. He told me about being at the Battle of the Bulge and that he crossed Normandy Beach, but not during the major battle. It was a different kind of battle then, not like it is today. I love and miss him very much. He rarely complained, survived a major battle and the Great Depression. If the people who lived through those times didn't complain, what the he!! gives us any right to complain with all our abundance? I didn't appreciate or understand his positive attitude until he was in nursing home in his late 80s. I am SO grateful and glad I had the opportunity to tell him that I finally understand those golden nuggets of knowledge, gratitude and positive thinking and I finally "get it," i thank him. I love you Pop POP! xoxo

I had two uncle's in the Normandy landing. They were brothers. The older was shot by a machine gun. The younger was a medic, and having witnessed it came to his aid and returned him to the ship, saving his life.

TO ALL THE YOUNGER PLAYERS - regardless of where you're from:
You know that OLD Grandparent or wacky old Aunt or Uncle?
(We All have 'em)...
TALK to Them!
LISTEN to Them!
Before you know it, the opportunity will be gone! Learn from them, maybe you won't make some mistakes!

Destino Manifesto
Missy K, Thank you for your wonderful words. My dad was USAF, and was the greatest patriot and man I have ever known. ❤

I am truly grateful to all those who fought for our freedom. Bless them and those who survived.

Crumb Damron
That question taught me something

Missy K, My Dad landed on Omaha Beach. If he hadn’t of made it home I wouldn’t be here. He’s my hero.

All of my uncles and dad were in a war, fighting for our country. Most of my uncles, 6 of them, fought in WWII. My dad was in Korean, and my youngest uncle in Vietnam. All survived but never talked about their time there.

Missy K, thankyou for sharing such a lovely tribute to a great man !
And good for you for not only having that time, but Listening and learning from what he said! I unfortunately either didn't know (1grandfather) or never had a truely meaningful conversation with other grandpa, Dad, or many older uncles (or just people) from those generations. It WAS a different time, and we ALL could learn alot!

my great uncle died on the beach there.

Served in USMC. I was honored to serve my country. Of course, that was in the 70s and 80s. I'm sure those before me felt the same way. I thank them for their service to our beloved country.

Gramma Daisy had 5 sons in WWll, and I never heard a word about it from any of them. I wasn't told my own father was decorated for bravery in Korea. These tough ole boys just didn't want to share their torment with family. Dad recieved the silver star for rescue behind enemy lines

I had a great grandfather that had been on his way to Europe when WWI ended. Both my grandfather's stayed home for WWII due to their occupations, however my paternal grandfather sent a couple of his brothers to serve. One was a pilot for the Army Air Corp and one was a marine, but my Great Uncle Gene was a SeaBee in the Pacific. He & his unit were lost for 6 - 9 mos and presumed dead. My grandparents named my dad after

Player #34570694
my paternal grandfather was with the first ones to hit Normandy beach that first day. He returned home a hero for the military but never spoke of anything to anyone. Most did not find out about his record or awards until after his death... after reading this and the comments, it seems like he was not the only one who kept those stories to himself

Player #25910183
My Dad was a medic in the 12th Armored Div that was scheduled to land at Normandy, but Patton “borrowed” all of their tanks so they had to wait for replacements. They later led Patton’s 3rd Army across the Rhine as the Mystery Division. He just turned 97.

KILLean17, wiser words never spoken... amen!

Player #27809660
My Dad's 82nd Airborne troops landed on Omaha Beach. He was also in the Battle of the Bulge.

Player #18877936
we think the Battle of the Buldge was the largest battle with the American casualties

The most lethal battle of World War 2 was the Battle of Stalingrad with 1 million casualties on the Russian side and 800k from the Germans.

I didn't see Normandy on the I knew the answer otherwise

Destino Manifesto, you sound like me with my great dad! He was USAF, and LOVED this country ... the greatest patriot that I have ever seen! Definitely one of the GREATEST GENERATION! I miss him so.

Player #6007953

Father's dad was in the 82nd Airborne all through WW2. Was actually one of the first in the US Army to be trained as a paratrooper. One of my most prized positions is his jump wings with 2 combat jump stars. He missed D-day with an ankle injury, later rejoined his company few days after.

Player Clembabe
Missy K, I'm glad you got to know your grandpa well.

Player #dubgirl
Missy K, ❤

Player #dubgirl
EliteLawyercat57024, ❤

Player #1027355
such a bloody battle!

Player #1443092
complete history to be told and to be learned

worst battle we've had casualties were enormous