The city of Hiroshima is on which Japanese island?
Correct answer: Honshu

Player Elf Counsel
ANonnyMoose, Don't tell that to the thousands of allied P O W s who were to be massacred if the Allies set foot in Malaysia. I know two. One was to be buried alive with his mates and the other machine gunned. The bomb saved them all.

ANonnyMoose, You know nothing about the history of that war. That bombing saved hundreds of thousands of lives. Japan would have never surrendered without those bombs being dropped.

Laudy Miss Claudy
ANonnyMoose, You should read a little more history. The US had lost thousands of soldiers in the European front. We were literally running out of military men. The US dropped the 1st A-bomb on Hiroshima but Japan did not surrender so we dropped another on Nagasaki. Japan surrendered...which was a good thing because the US had only made 2 A-bombs

ANonnyMoose, I suggest that you read about the planned Operation Downfall. Take special note about the projected Japanese casualities had that operation been carried out!

ANonnyMoose, the only thing that is discussing is your lack of knowledge about history

Syr Hal
Shikoku is the correct spelling.