The Pont Neuf is the oldest what in Paris?
Correct answer: Bridge

LibraLady1010, nope it actually translates to 'new bridge'

yes, "neuf" can mean 9. here it is in it's other meaning which is "new". when it was built, it was the newest bridge, but the older ones are all gone now, so it is the oldest.

it was easy to deduce when you knew that pont is french for bridge .

Player Eldehem
Is it just me, or does anyone else not understand the scoring system? I don't care tbh, I play for fun, not to be the "winner" of anything but I do get annoyed by things which don't make sense!

Jaminus Optimus
Ironstine, I don't speak french, but I do have some Latin and 'pont' is also bridge but in Latin.

Tamara_1985, that because French has Latin words roots

Knowing french has really helped in this game and not just on questions relating to France.

Player #4250921, probably because there are a load of questions that relate to the USA

Jumblemania, Any player is welcome to write questions.

Fredrico, that's because it's taken from the Latin/Norman French, the original word used has been forgotten

I know a few words in french. Pont luckily is one of those.

Went under this bridge on our river cruise on Seine River. Beautiful City, but the water was dirty and a bit smelly ☹️

Player #18195581
Tamara_1985, But when was this bridge built? I don’t see it mentioned anywhere.

Player Gigi #28446253
Tamara_1985, for no point at all, I am studying French online to help me in reading and in trivia. Love it so far!

anyone see John Michael Kane??? Treadstone???

LibraLady1010, Pont means bridge and in french point is the same word. Please stop being a know it all when you clearly don't know french.

LibraLady1010, You are 100% wrong. Pont means bridge and neuf is actually new. I know because where I live our first language is actually french, and only 2% speak English in my town which is in Quebec Canada.

Haarveen3, Neuf is 9 or masculine for new.

Player #4250921
now why don't I see anyone complaining about a question about France like they do the U.S.A.

Luís Revez
when Paris was Lutecia!