What is "Stockholm Syndrome"?
Correct answer: A psychological condition

Player #3300633
domestic abused victims can relate to this

Player JCH
if you can bond with a capture because of close contact, imagine what people on opposing sides could do by talking and listening or maybe working together on one common goal

Sounds human to me.

#NCFCAcompetitor, im not sure what youre saying. But, as a nurse in psychology, and having been for 20 tears... tbis is very real! Nothing fairytale about it at all. It may not be a good thing, but their are far, far worse things!

watch money heist on netlix ~ it shows stockholm syndrome

Patty Hearst was kidnapped in 1974 by the Symbionese Liberation Army. They were a radical group of domestic terrorists. She was so brainwashed she robbed at least one bank with them.

Montana Lady
It's NOT love, there's nothing even remotely romantic about it. It's purely a survival mechanism and the brain's way of coping with an extremely severe trauma.
When someone has control over EVERY aspect of your life, your movements, your food & drink, your ability to bathe, use a toilet, and is regularly physically abusing you for even the slightest perceived infraction to their rules (your fault or not)...
You become an object, their slave, desperate to please them & since you don't know their rules, at first nothin
11g does make them happy... so you

Is this really that hard to believe when abused spouses and children defend their abusers?

Xenabuff, Belle never suffered from this disorder, she didn't even like the beast until he actually started being kind to her and she even actually ran away when he showed hostility to her and didn't want to come back. Pick up a book on what the disorder really means.

Player JCH, This is not a bond, it is brainwashing. It is usually based on the survival instinct.
What it doesn't relate to (in any way) is being able to compromise or listen to a dissenting opinion.

Also interesting to know I think…’Lima syndrome’ is a psychological response in which a captor or abuser develops a positive connection with their victim. It's the opposite of Stockholm syndrome

Player #3300633, agreed 👍

Eric the red
This is the definition of capitalism.

Queen Esther
I have been raped many times because the boys say I am a snack and more!

Interesting 😳

I knew the answer, but, I’m glad they explained it. I always wondered how it got that name, interesting


where are the viliti?

Souljah Gal
FreezingAcolyte89399, Exactly 💯 NO Excuses

it's The millionaires daughter Patty Huest .She was a kidnapped victim who fell in love with her Kidnapper

Montana Lady, people like this are so corrupt what messed up world

DutchBaby120, so messed up

FreezingAcolyte89399, people who abuse anything or one is inhumane cowards

JimmyLovesQL, yes it is Heartbreaking when you see this in your family &/or friends. It is very conflicting

Kosem Sultana
DutchBaby120, I always thought that Patty Hearst was a victim of Stockholm Syndrome and should have never been sent to prison. I was glad when her sentence was commuted and when she was given a full pardon.

في زت

Learned something new 😱wow

what is the question ❓ BRO

Snowie queen 👑☺️
FreezingAcolyte89399, Same me too🤔.....

So domestic victims can relate to this. WOW

skittles, its not appropriate is it?

I'm well aware of the psychology behind this, but never knew there was a name for it. should have there was a name. There's a name for almost everything.
another fact learned today. this app is great.

FightingDragon98568, dhxg

animie lover, house loves exists on stockcolm

Player #3300633, Ingenious observation!!

It's real enough

Montana Lady, I totally understand how you just explained it, Montana Lady. Trying to be pleasant to the person or people who have your life in their hands!

Rhasody, just curious as to how old are you ? I am 65 and remember both kidnappings.

does working for corporations apply? I like to think so

I first came to know Stockholm Syndrome through the song Stockholm Syndrome by Muse after I looked it up to see what it was.