What spacecraft has travelled the farthest?
Correct answer: Voyager 1

That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
The explanation says the craft was 20 TRILLION kilometres away at time of writing. That is wrong; it should have been BILLION.
At end of May 2021, it is 14.143 billion miles (22.76 billion kilometres).
It is traveling at 38,026 mph (61197 kph).

Amazing for something launched in the 70's

I am not a number.
Phred Phantos, that not true according to the linked website which shows live calculations; voyager 1 has travelled 14.2 billion miles and voyager 2 has only travelled 11.8 billion miles.

Fun guy
wonder where 'Veeger' is now ? maybe there will be a Spock by then ...

I wished I could of gone

only a matter of time before aliens visits 🌎

Suze, "have to" correct people's grammar.

Blue Dog
It launched in 1977 and "this year marks it's 40th anniversary." Wow I didn't know this game was 4 years old!

any reason people cant keep comments friendly? you GOTTA correct peoples grammar?? really? people wonder why the world is the way it is!! everybody is a critic and everybody is perfect!!

Mars V
Widama007, could HAVE gone

Player #2775901
Why Trillion, when we can make….!

Phil 'sum guy'
jvn: according to some the aliens are already here & interactive w world leaders.

Sparty Cyclone
The answer should have specified which Pioneer spacecraft, there have been several. In fact, it was Pioneer 11 that flew by Saturn, not Pioneer 10.

Waldo Lydeker
The most startling, significant fact about Voyager I was Carl Sagan's suggestion of mounting a camera at the rear focused on earth. At 3+ billion miles, we are just a "Pale Blue Dot" as he coined that moving phrase. Gives you perspective, folks. We are insignificant.

Clown Boss
Great q&a! 63K a.u. per lightyear, so 140au per 43yrs speed won't cut it. We need fusion drive to ever hope to become ET ufo's ourselves

Player #17611859, or could've, which I think is what they were really aiming for!

Neither questions nor factoids should not be written so that they need to be constantly updated for current time. This factoid is not current.