Tinnitus affects which organ of the body?
Correct answer: Ear

This was easy for me because I have Tinnitus!

may God heal all those suffering from the same...so sorry guys.

If you've ever been annoyed at having to listen to a cricket that never shuts up, you could compare that to tinnitus!

jasonmelissariver, I know how you feel because I have had it for me 23 years now. I will not allow it to get me down anymore though. I hope that you find relief from some where. Mine is prayer and spending time with God.

Player #5383155
LibraLady1010, I've found if I reduce my sodium intake, it helps, if I have too much salt , the ringing is sooo much worse! Hope this helps those sufferers!💜

Hate it, never stops

^ Dr Iqra ^
QuixoticGuard56087, you should go to ENT specialist. If it is dull, there are chances it could be resolved. Being a doctor i would recommend that

I have suffered with tinnitus since i was a teenager... It is extremely annoying!!

Player #3953392
I have tinnitus, is so annoying it feels like some form of torture.

Player Scandali
I've had tinnitus for as long as I can remember and I'm 50 now

Both my parents and I suffer from this wretched thing, that just about drives Mom mad, myself and my Dad not so much. But it is a pain in the ear.

I get it often. Not pleasant, at all.

^ Dr Iqra ^, I went to an ENT to get something removed and he lightly touched my ear drum. the ringing was gone in 24 hours, but the other still rings. I want a dr to do same to other side.

Bon Bon
LibraLady1010, me too

Pied Piper
Anakalia, I tried that and it does make it sound different. Thank you. It was really high-pitched now it’s just a different pitch and it’s a lot lower.

Yorcan, Hopefully it will help.

the depiction of the man above is really creepy

LibraLady1010, glycine is an amino acid that is sweet and helps with sleep. It got rid of my 35 years of tinnitus.

jd, how about listening to ambiance, I find the shower or filling bathtubs work great for me, rain too

Yorcan, I rarely get the high pitch but when I do I put my fingers in my ears and pull forward , it stops the high pitch

BroaderParallel9, I use ambiance

Player #5383155, Mine is sugar

Sorry for the errors I am voice texting.

Wow! I did think they were real crickets. I heard them at night when it's quiet. There are high hedges next to my bedroom window.

I actually thought it was crickets outside my window with the high Hedges and all now I know from this app thank you very much now it me

I honestly thought it was crooked outside my window because I have high hedges

I'm a musician who always played very loudly. i didn't develop Tinnitus until i had gotten an errant Tip, of the Q-Tip persuasion stuck to my ear drum. i waited 5 very uncomfortable weeks to have it removed. Ear specialist said there's no hole in my ear drum.

I thought, as a person who sometimes in this kind of situations, its a normal thing. Now not anymore.

^ Dr Iqra ^, thanks, I have an ENT appointment with a practice that my PCP said that they would 'take me seriously'. smh

LibraLady1010, me too.
: (

I learn something new everyday!

My wife of 41 years has it. Fortunately for her it is not so loud and comes and goes.

LibraLady1010, me too!

FaithfulReader, that’s for sure!!

LibraLady1010, same here but I got it wrong & wanted to say head!!

I heard blue cheer!

I've had it for many years, I'm 61 now, I sleep with a fan on or some type of noise in the room. Yes I still hear it and imagine I am on a camping trip listening to nature singing to one another. Make your lemonade folks

yaba daba do
so if you eliminate the causes as presented here why do you all still have it? prayers to you all, 🙏

I have it and it drives me crazy when it gets loud.

The sound that affects me is a high pitched whistle and it can occasionally subside to a real quiet background annoyance. I have fortunately the ability to somehow ignore it but I can get total silence for at least 15 minutes if I match the exact sound same frequency for example by cupping my hands round my face from mouth to ear and mimic the whistle with my lips it cancels it out.
You can source a pocket frequency generator with an ear bud that generates sounds and for electronics guys it’s a simple circuit to build with an old ear bud.
However this I guess is only applicable to whistling sounds because whistling is my only experience but it could be possible that mimicking a sound may cancel the sound you are experiencing. Anything is worth a shot hope this helps somebody.