In which decade was the song 'White Christmas' written?

Correct answer: 1940s

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Destino Manifesto
Destino Manifesto
Contradictory. How is it a 1942 Irving Berlin song first sung by Bing Crosby on Chritmas day in 1941? 😬
Player #24358685
Player #24358685
Destino Manifesto, Published in 1942, but first performed at the end of 1941. Pearl Harbor was two and SF weeks after Pearl Harbor. Berlin wrote it, Crosby sang it, then it was recorded and published a few weeks later in 1942. There was likely no way to copyright the song until after the holidays (except a performance on the radio, I guess.)
Blue Bayou 2, was wondering that myself.
Destino Manifesto, my question exactly?!
I heard that this song was written in Palm Springs
Player Say what!?
Player Say what!?
This question would be a good "reading comprehension" test. Had to read it again to qualify the dates.
BeneficentMaster7222, yes!! how in the hell did you miss that??