What was the name given to the 1830 uprising of farm workers in southern England?
Correct answer: Swing Riots

They were called the Swing riots after the eponymous Captain Swing. The made-up name symbolised or represented the anger of the poor labourers in rural England who wanted a return to the pre-machine days when human labour was used

why called 'swing' riots?

those shoes were called "sabots' and I understand that's where the word SABOTAGE comes from?

I believe similar things happened in France - where the workers threw their wooden soled shoes into the machinery to damage it. y

Player #27131758
The inspired Indian farmers were protesting violently with swords and tractors killed and injured many people, yesterday they withdraw their protest due to repealed three farm laws.

luckycatfay, thanks! I was wondering how it got its name - sounds plausible!

VividPotion6704, I have not heard them called this either but maybe because they used to swing scythes.

would love to know why they were called Swing riots? Haven't heard of this before

Player #2990031you a, they lost