Kuwait was invaded by which country in 1990?
Correct answer: Iraq

WitchyWoman10, I was there too was a Navy seal for 22 years from Vietnam to Persian gulf. and s few others thrown in between there too where they couldn't send regular forces. bronze star and two purple hearts and I can sit here and talk about it... life is great when your good and lucky.

My unit was deployed during Gulf War. It was a life changing experience!

I and my unit, were the first to arrive in Saudi Arabia. It was called Desert Shield, before Desert Storm. I was there until May 1991. I will never take electricity, or a basic shower for granted ever again.

Muddyd58, I've been to Iraq too, and can also sit here and talk about it BUT I didn't take any guns, tanks, weapons, or even backup... just knowledge & humanitarian aid to try to repair at least a little of what our military destroyed.
Frankly, I'm surprised you're not a bit more outraged over being wounded and seeing good men give their lives fighting to further enrich the wealthiest Americans and over what was later exposed as an outright lie...

The service provide by air carriers were extremely brave...none of the neighbouring countries offered any help in evaculation to save innocent residents. Only Indian pilots could dare to serve and the act started much before actual permission was granted by kuwait / Iraq and even india. A big proud salute to Air India team.

Frontline British soldier here... atrocious was the state of Kuwait when we went in. Then to be crapped on by the Saudi government 👎

Player #2971073
what you probably didn't know was that Kuwait had been stealing oil from Iraq for years, Saddam Hussein told the Kuwaitis to stop but he was too busy to do anything about as he was fighting with Iran, once that was over, all bets were off. America had struck an oil deal with the Kuwaitis which is why the war started. Bet you didn't know anything about that, everyone was told it was about weapons of mass destruction, funny how they found none isn't it.

WitchyWoman10, Thank you for your service.

Player #5101918
Player #2971073, Kuwait wasn’t stealing oil from Iraq that was Saddams excuse to invade and he was planning of taking all the gulf countries, and it wasn’t the first time Iraq had tried to claim Kuwait.

Player #4451215 reap
Player #2971073, Fascinates me that most everyone doesn't or thinks it's unimportant to know this When we stopped learning Civics in schools 30 years ago, it has far reaching, detrimental effects on participation and fairness of our government.

i hate me i know the history of this country iraq invaded iran, sadam husem barrow money from kuwait then kuwait needs to get the money they barrow sadam refused to pay because sadam said it’s just a small amount only from kuwait since kuwait has a largest rate of money until sadam secretly attacked kuwait and the the kuwait run away to saudi.. that moment by the help of american and british they defeated sadam until now iraq still unpaid for the damages sadam did..i thank you

But the US never done this kind in Russian invasion of Ukraine.

...and yet, other than sanctions, no one has lifted a finger to help the annexed territories that powermonger countries have taken at a whim... nothing to do with oil, of course ;)

I was also there as an Aeromedical Evacuation Tech

Muddyd58, Thank you for your dedication to our country! :)

More than 700 oil wells were burnt by iraqi’s army and we were officially librated on 25th of February 1991

Da "Mighty" 1, So Kywait owed money.. and what business was it to you. Did you get a cut from the collection. I bet the only collection you you got out of this. Was hundreds of sad memories... like wasted years away from your family, your youth spent in a bloody war, medical issues and a load of nightmares.. unless you have no conscious. Wars are made for profit and nothing else. Many die for the profit of few. Wake up.

I too was there British Operation Granby 7th Armoured Brigade. I now suffer with Gulf War Illness due the multiple injections and chemical tablets (Nerve Agent and Biological Agent) I was proud to serve but let down by my government.

Nutshell, I do believe you're confusing Desert Storm with the second gulf war. Iraq did in fact invade Kuwait under false pretenses. The whole wmd thing later on? Yeah, that was false, but these are two different events.

Christine Laurin, How do you know they didn't serve?

Player #47929153
Christine Laurin, most people who talk about it were never there or even served thank you for bringing it up!! I was there no fun!!

Player #52581296
WitchyWoman10, pagal

Nutshell, at least there are still conscious people in US.
Thank You for that.

Player #38248539
My unit was there too many people were sending money to india and other countries so that they can live once reached

Christine Laurin
It’s a sad fact that over 70% of people who claim to be servicemen and women online never saw a Day of service in their life. I mean no disrespect to the people who did truly answer the call! I am from a military family I have never been in the service myself however out of the many many people that I’m close to and that I have met that have been in service whether it’s the Navy and the Air Force that Ernie whatever it was they are not so happy go lucky to talk about it that’s because people suffered terribly anyway thank you for your service those of you that were there it’s a hard burden to carry.

donna barlow
Muddyd58, I just wanted to tell you THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!! 2 purple hearts? You are one courageous soldier! I'd like to think all our soldiers are made of courage, integrity and the will NOT to give up, you know, just like YOU. But they are not, and God Bless 'Em, they do their best. However, it's a person like you that does his best in battle, and you deserve every one of those accolades, probably more if the truth be told. Have a safe, healthy, happy, joy-filled life. YOU EARNED A LIFETIME OF JOY. (my husband was a Vietnam Vet, died in 2011 of prostate cancer so I might be a little over-the-top on loving my Vets!!) Take care, God's got your back.

Mujahid Mohideen R
Is it quiz game or some book to learn something..hats off makers..we learn a lot of things from various topics..I love this game.This description was like reading a chapter from a history book.. awesome

Player #23299988
My unit was there also, interrogating enemy prisoners of war. (unit out of Richmond, VA

Player #22967938
my son was in the Gulf with the Australian Navy

Why special mention about India in this explanation?

History is written by the victors...and..the present by the media owners... The future is being planned by the ones who believed in them.
Fact & logic

Player #19754059
Nutshell, hez talking about the first gulf war, when iraq invaded kuwait and the U.K & U.S kicked them out again.

Player Fred
( Snail Darter), there is nothing Noble about killing people

Frosty Marine 1775
Muddyd58, BULLS**T

Player #15351910
Muddyd58, TYVM!! SO PROUD OF YOU!!

I was 14 yrs. old and our school tied yellow ribbons to the trees as a symbol that we hoped the soldiers would come home safe. I hope for all the innocent people involved to remain safe.

Alfa Romeo
I was there 😊

WitchyWoman10, I also was there ..yet on the other side and am still attending a PTSD center.