Which of these is a group of villages on Long Island, New York?
Correct answer: The Hamptons

Player #2123781
Watching Seinfeld paid off

Did you know where the name "Hamptons" came from? It came from the farms there in colonial times that grew hemp! It's actually "Hemptons"...👍

Player #4080275
my family was instrumental in founding South Hampton and Amagansett. Ancestors was the first Sheriff, and my great grandfather owned half of Montauk point, which was eminently domain by the U.S. Navy during W.W.II. !!

The photo used for this question is actually Long Island City, part of Queens, overlooking Manhattan. While it makes for a interesting image, it could not be further from the Hamptons, literally and figuratively! ;)

I thank movies and T.V. for that answer!

Elaine: Where did Susan's parents get the idea you had a house in the Hamptons? George: I told them I did. Why, what did you say? Elaine: I told 'em... YA DIDN'T. and I laughed and I laughed.

Player #10105859
Jasmine #841104, Really the Hamptons extend from West Hampton to East Hampton. It is one of the oldest settled areas of the US. It also include the smallest Native American Reservation in the US, The Shinnecock Nation.

long island born and raised :)

My home!

Rich I
The picture shown is of the old float bridges that were used to shuttle box cars back and forth from Manhattan. Born and raised on Long Island,and a retired Long Island RR Conductor.

do you know Simon and Taylor swift

Am I the only one who thought of Howard Stern .. whoo whoo Robin 😆

Player #74183463
The Hanptons is Where Kelly. Ripa and Mark go to Relax

There’s a song called handshakes in the Hamptons search it up it’s good!

I live on Long Island and visit the Hamptons.

Player #99922857
I can do that too but if I don’t feel like I wanna throw up my stuff lol lol I’m sorry I didn’t mean you to get it

Player #99922857
I can just get it out tomorrow if that’s not cool at all your guys will work tomorrow if that’s ok with

I want to thank this game for putting all the information about each question after you answer it what gets me is the one question about foxes who knew that a group of foxes was called a leash or Earth interesting!?

boo bear
Hampton jitney does NYC runs from the Hamptons and north end of long island

Player #130257916
I didn't know Hamptons were part of Long Island, but I guessed right. I'm from Midwest.

Cat Mom
And here I thought The Hamptons was a snow ski resort in the Colorado mountains lol

This is actually in queens .. now call Long Island City zip 11101/11106

Player max's mom, good series.

Chef Beth
Ediona, not true...came from Southampton England

Player #108115005
Player #4080275, My X great grandfather and X great uncle also helped found South Hampton. There were 8 men who founded it.

we're going to New York for the first time later this year! I'm so excited❤️

Ediona, thank you for the information

Player #93108392
Player #4080275, so how much money can you lend a poor fellow 😁😁😁😁

Easy easy Japanesey

Lynnetta Gaskins
New York is my home town I live here so you know I know

I did not touch an answer, it did it on it's own. Glitch much??

I'm a native Long Islander, and it's beautiful. You can also catch the ferry to Fire Island and New Hampshire.


This is so fun and challenging you can learn your brain using this app you can get some right and get some wrong😇

I know, because I live on Long Island.

Player #54584465, WOW, very #CLEVER! hehehe

Marilyn, Millions of us live here who are NOT celebs.

Lady S, Yes, you're right. Believe it or not, a few of their MATH answers are WRONG, too.

notjustanotherpretty, LOL, they were a mean bunch frequently when we think about it...

Player #10105859, Important information both left out & erroneous, indeed (... especially the Reservation in Mastic.) Thanks!