What is the second largest bay in the world?
Correct answer: Hudson Bay, Canada

I live right at the Hudson Bay as I live in Churchill, Manitoba

What is the largest?

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Bad Nanny
sharonski, read the details above: It states Bay of Bengal is lsrgest

Kono Theophile
Yes I’m as genuine as they come I also love on the West Coast of Hudson’s Bay, a genuine Inuit AKA Eskimo

Player #2551360
Hudson's Bay has an area more than 1,000,000 square km. Bay of Bengal is on 800,000 square km.

jack3552, bays are often connected to an ocean and are recessed into the land. In theory, when connected to an ocean, they are part of that ocean but they serve to mostly allow for "safe harbor" with calmer water and reduced wind speed.

sharonski, Bay of Bengal. I think

sharonski, read the answer given, Bay of Bengal

Gulf of Mexico is third, really thought that was first, eh.

Bad Nanny, is a rude Nanny too

Belugas&PolarBears, That's good, congratulations

Alla Malla
what bay is lagest and 3rd - 4th?

sharonski the answer says the bay of bengal

sharonski, the Bay of Bengal. I've swum in it very often.

Plant Mom
Player #2551360, no, the Bay of Bengal encompasses over 2, 000 000 square kilometres.

nora su
sharonski, bay of bengal

Organic Dude
Was shocked to find out recently how Hudson died. His crew mutinied and sent him off in a small boat to die with his son and several other men.

Republic of China
sharonski, It is the Bay of Bengal
that is between India, Bangladesh and Myanmar (probably Thailand and Indonesia and Malaysia too)

Player #78645511
sharonski, The bay of Bengal East of India.

Neda, me too. addicted

sharonski, Bay of Bengal

Katy Jo
Clone1161, This is News I didn't know! Thanks!

Bay of Bengal looks like it should be the Bengal Sea. Never heard of it honestly.

Clone1161, No, I believe Hudson Bay was created by the weight of the massive ice shield that once covered the area. When the global temperature started to rise, the melting ice filled the hole with its water.

sharonski, Bay of Bengal

Pete Fabio
sharonski, bengal

W V hillbilly
Could someone explain to me, with an rational intelligent answer please, the real difference between a "Bay" and a "Gulf" ? Because from my point of view, the mouth of the Bay of Bengal, is just too wide for it to be thought of as a Bay.

Player #2492740, I agree with you buddy

Player #28636957
sharonski, Bangladesh 😁

sharonski, bay of bangal

sharonski, bay of bengal it is.

Mujahid Mohideen R
FYI,Bay of Bengal borders India

The jam
That was poorly written...

sharonski, Bay of Bengal, which they mentioned.

Bay of Bengal