Which 'Happy Days' actor was awarded an honorary OBE in 2011 for his work with children with dyslexia?
Correct answer: Henry Winkler

Henry Winkler Has been contributing To a number of good causes in the US. It does not surprise me that he also contributes To like causes in the UK!!!

funny show, sounds like a caring man. good role model.

Player JZ-3
My answer was correct-a-mundo! :)

Loved the show and the Fonz. He always had the knack for fixing the jukebox. I use that technique on many things these days.

JasonR1972, loved this show loved the fonz

Happy Days was a huge hit in England.

presco2201, now I have even more respect for Mr.Winkler

Dianna Bella74
I remember a interview he had about this subject very touching indeed.

Very compassionate man.

UnderwayRout4, He's great in the HBO show Barry, with Bill Hader, which recently concluded its second season. I definitely recommend watching it!

Mars V
Heeeeey!👍👍👍👍👍Good job, Fonz!!

Sugarbear, you actually have discalcyla which is the number side of it. I'm 64 and always knew something was wrong. Got diagnosed 15 years after high school. I can't spell either.

loved happy days and the fonz. he was so cool. I watched it all the time I really liked it when Robin Williams was in.it. he turned into a very good actor.

Great Show....His Character Took over Ritchie in Popularity...The Episode of The "Fonz" getting his Library Card...Learning Tool

I am 67 and had dyslexia all my life. I failed math over and over and was frustrated doing anything with numbers. it wasn't a commonly known ailment during my day so I just suffered through it the best I could. I still can't do my checkbook.

<3 love Henry Winkler! Happy Days was one of the best parts of my not so happy childhood. It has been wonderful getting to know him through all of his accomplishments in what he does to help children with dyslexia and so much more. one of the most entertaining actors, ever,
as the fonz and now on Barry for which he won an emmy, finally!!

Cool people. He's a great actor as the fonz. I dig that show when it was on an will watch the repeats.😎

When I was a boy, I sent a fan letter to him and sent a hand written postcard back to me. Nice guy!

He is also great in "Barry" starring Bill Hader.

I don't remember him on parks and rec but I was hilarious on arrested development.

He still the coolest! CSAWLOK

el stupitho
I knew this because Henry Winkler himself is dyslexic

Player #13023389
I loved Happy Days, especially the Fonz. I got the answer wrong but I sure have new respect for Henry Winkler. Debby

Player #29793410
I actually got to meet Fonzie in person (with pictures) and watched him to the quarter trick

well known as the nicest man in show-biz

presco2201, coolest guy on tv!

A lot of narcs play this game. Try being positive!!!

Fun Fact: Stephen J Cannell, writer of many successful shows had dyslexia. Much respect that he didn't let that hold him back and overcame it through hard work, perseverance, and determination. :)

Player #15356356
The Fond. thanks.

What a likable, down-to-earth guy. Don't forget he was the coach of Adam Sandler in "The Waterboy".

UndergroundCodger666, My friend, dyslexia is something you never out grow (my daughter has it). what those with dyslexia, do is learn how to live heir lives with it. Knowledge is power.

We gave his books in our library

Henry Winkler was a theater major at Emerson College in Boston MA. I believe he graduated in 1967. Jay Leno graduated from there in 1973. Henry then went to Grad school at Yale University.

Stidsten Of Pavv
Loved him as the fonz 😘