What is Britney Spears's middle name?
Correct answer: Jean

People are very quick to judge on here. Whether it's Brittney or Donald or someone else, so many people create a drama. If there is anything I've learned in 100+ years, it's to always demonstrate humility. Nobody is perfect. It's ok to have an opinion but just remember that many people probably detest even you! Play the game and comment to share positivity, knowledge and insight.

Syr Hal
Who cares?

Centenarian, Dear man. Thank you for your wisdom & humanity.

SQinfoNUTS, That would be an easy question: Nothing, as he was dead by then! :-)

Be wise
Just like Marilyn Monroe.

Centenarian, my thoughts exactly Centenarian. Good on you to point that out.

Player #25874027, how did this comment end up on a question about Brittney Spears middle name

Player #25874027
Actually Hitler committed suicide in April 1945
I think he probably gave breakfast a miss on June 6th.
Goodbye 👋👋

Player #17085385
Player #3833664, And the rest of us don't care

Player Lilliebeans
lol, that's a bad pic of her

I started out enjoying this game very much. But if I get one more question that asks, **what did Hitler have one for breakfast on June 6th 1945**... I'll be leaving.

Player #3833664
@Syr Hal, Agree with u

Player #3833664
@ZyggyStardust, Her parents would know her middle name definitely