Which team is the only one that has competed throughout the entire history of Formula 1 racing?
Correct answer: Ferrari

My favorite type of racing to watch.

Era Vulgaris, I l you'll find that he already had a tractor manufacturing company and bought a Ferrari. He tried to point out various faults in the car, but Enzo wouldn't listen to him. It was then that he decided to compete against him by building a "better" car.

loving this team is my red flag

ferrari has 101 wins

That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
RedSeaDiver, the comment from Era Vulgaris had disappeared but I think you are talking about Lamborghini?

ferrari fxxk k lamborghini terzo millenio and buggati bolide is my favourite cars

Ben dover
Player #MinnieLuv, that is the point of racing.

Era Vulgaris, Not entirely true...... Lamborghini made a stack of cash from his tractor business. He then bought a ferrari but had some issues with it. He told Ferrari how to improve it but he got snubbed by Ferrari who said he didn't want to take advice from a tractor mechanic. That's what made him set out to beat him.