Which type of federal workers were fired by President Ronald Reagan after 13,345 went on strike in 1981?
Correct answer: Air Traffic Controllers

One if the reasons why I liked Regan. You don't let a handful of people cripple the entire nation.

old metal worker
I would never want to play poker with Ronald Reagan.

UnpopularFoe47146, you got it. One thing wasn't mentioned, it's so stressful that 1 in every 3 air traffic controllers last no more than 5 years without "mental breakdowns" all for 20k a year and they have virtually NO medical clauses for those who have "the breakdown" and no retirement for those who do.

Player #21823189
ZyggyStardust, and they should be paid WAY more than what they wete getting.

Player #13023389
Air traffic controllers are very important. I've flown thousands of miles and really appreciate their job being done correctly. DB

I was at the Amsterdam Airport that August of 1981 trying catch a flight back to Houston after spending the summer in France studying and learning the language. My KLM flight was delayed for 30 hours. However, I was young and single with noone to take care of at that time, so I considered it adventure. I met a lot of people from the plane who were also waiting. We played cards on the or sat around and told jokes and got to know each other. I eventually made back to Texas with addresses and phone numbers of new friends.

knowbrains, totally agree, there was CIVILITY then when Reagan and Tip O'Neill, could work together, not now

know your history. Reagan won their votes by promising unions the world. Then didn't support them.

Player #21823189, Really? How much more? $20,000 to $49,000 a year is equivalent to $60,000 - $135,000 today.

When that many people go on strike together something's wrong. Reagan needed to listen.

Deadwood, my dad was a union carpenter, had a great pension. He lived to be 91, and never paid a dime in medical bills. I could almost cry thinking how well they treated him. His union experience was wonderful.

Player #120374466, and your point?

HaveFun, Clinton balanced the budget. I'm not against Reagan, but being $30 trillion in debt, from both parties...yikes!

Drujon, still not enough for the skill required and the stress they endure. I'm grateful for them.

Qatwalk, what a great story! Thanks for sharing, and I hope you stayed in touch 😊

minnie7251, The Screen Actors Guild couldn't cripple the country if it tried...

Player #120374466
Deadwood, Yeah, that's why sometimes employees opt out to join a union because of the long history of corruption

Player #120374466
Andre, Yeah, greed and unreasonableness on both the Unions and the Corporations. Consolidation of many companies created a monopoly over these past 30 years

Player #120374466
Qatwalk, Wow, a different era when people talked to each other, instead of having their faces looking at their phones.

Player #120374466
StrategicRenewal8, Labor Unions had shady characters running things. Possible mob connections

Player #120374466
Player #21823189,
$ 20,000 wasn't that bad of an income 40 years ago. Should've gotten some raise though. But yes they could of had better benefits.

Mental breakdowns aren't cheap. The air traffic people were doing difficult work and deserved more pay and perks. Still, it was wrong to walk off the job and try to cripple the nation and cost the airlines a lot of income.

joymarch016, unions are business. They promise members increase of salary, that they don’t provide from their pockets, and they increase the membership. If the strike works, the company ends paying the increase promised, the members don’t mind the increase of membership fees and the winners are only the the high executives of the union riding limousine with driver paid from the union fund. - they don’t have a health insurance - they have a “ union fund” who pays medical bills - in case people of working age get sick. After many many years of being a member people end with miserable pension paychecks. They know et the age of retirement the employees get social security retirement and their pension is just a small bonus UNION ARE BUSINESSES

Absolutetruthin1777, 20k in 1981 is the equivalent of 74k now. Cry me a river.

Good for Reagan !! I guess he didn't go in for greed and nonsense, so elated they were fired as they should have been !! 😊😊😁😁😀😀😃😃😄😄😁😁

Player #32777902
Dina, I hated him too. till I read about him in places other than the typical sources and observed his actions. Don't tell the ex-citizens of the Soviets that was the fall. They kinda like him.

Jerome Porter
local 150 in the Chicago area went on strike also we got we want cripple construction in the Chicago area,I was in the Chicago deep tunnel project, great experience.

The air traffic controllers really did need a raise but they went about getting it the wrong and greedy way. I think that President Reagan's non-rehiring punishment should have been for a time period like several years, but not for a lifetime.

Absolutetruthin1777, Thank you for addressing that point.

Player #1277940
I remember in the want ads airports were posting Air Traffic Controllers needed....No experience necessary. I thought oh my, that doesn’t sound good.

GenerousMajesty62, we could CERTAINLY use a president like him today, couldn't we?
NO ONE messed with The United States! America was "thè" world power because Reagan insisted on a supreme military. Then the first following Democrat president removed what Reagan worked so hard to keep us protected, AND what happened ...

GenerousMajesty62, and thus the beginnings of anti-union America! Hooray for corporate greed

Player #27251081
GenerousMajesty62, Agreed

Absolutetruthin1777, $20,000 a year was equivalent to $60,000. Thats hardly low pay.

ZyggyStardust, WOW