The modern piano usually has how many keys?

Correct answer: 88

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What people think about it: 9 Comments
pianoforte is translated to soft, loud in English
The black keys are not accidentals - accidentals are notes which are not in the current scale being played, so can be any note on the keyboard.
Lady Wolf Moon
Lady Wolf Moon
The 88 Key Piano was actually invented by Steinway. A German Immigrant to America who started what is now the Steinway factory in Astoria, Queens, NYC. You can actually tour the facility. It’s amazing how pianos are made. I play the piano - amateur to say the least - and I can tell you that there is nothing like a Steinway.
The black keys are not for accidentals, which can occur in any given scale, melody or harmony/chord. They are for the all the other scales other than C major, which have sharps or flats, but because of the scale formula, needs a black key to be played on that scale/key.
To find exact details look up Steinway the primary first manufacturer of pianod
Player #48461764
Player #48461764
The piano is technically a percussion instrument not a string instrument; the strings are struck with a hammer, whereas on a string instrument the string is either plucked (like the harpsichord, or pizzicato on the violin / cello etc) or bowed (violin / cello / viola etc)
Fun guy
Fun guy
2nd time same question: Thanks 😋
best played by Diana Krall.. sigh..
doctor fish 🐠
doctor fish 🐠
this question came up before