How many letters are there in the longest word in the English language published in a dictionary?
Correct answer: 45

This is a contrived word. There are two words which can claim to be the longest, they are "antidisestablishmentarianism" and "floccinaucinihilipilification"

Player #8988878Xet
Antidisestablishmentariamnism....learned that in 4th grade and it was in the Dictionary...of course that was 1970...

GamerGirl633, we usually just call it "Black Lung Disease"!

with difficulty

Supercalifractiousexpealidocious question! 😂

Player #43148747
how else would you say silicosis??

this long word is not purely english. it is composed by greek words

Player: Coco
And who has memorized it?!

There is a protein, abbreviated to Titin, that is 189,819 letters long. Unfortunately it is not in the dictionary.

Player #31272226
try saying that fast !

Joey's Lady
Player #8988878Xet, Wow,I thought the same thing. Showed your age on that one so did I with this response.

ratiqus, Why is it a ridiculous question ? So you didn't know the answer, so what. Gee there are some nonsense complaints in this forum sometimes. ratiqus, it seems you are not alone...Four other deadheads agree with you.

ratiqus, yes and it is ridiculous too

what a rediculous question.