Which animal is responsible for more human fatalities in Africa than any other large animal?
Correct answer: Hippopotamus

Player Scandali
Around the entire globe, the deadliest animal to ALL species is the human species

Player #6034770
As hippos can run and swim faster than an average person your only chance of beating them in a triathlon is during the cycling

Player #3833664
That word reminds me of sch song about hippos It went along the lines of:Mud Mud Glorious Mud Nothing quite like it for cooling the blood So come let us wallow down in hollow just like a hippo etc etc

Another song goes like this:
I want a hippopotamus for Christmas...

in America however the deadliest large animal os common Deer (it's always the ones we least expect, Bambi).
But, THE deadliest animal World-Wide?
unless it's plague season: Flea

Player #6078838
I was once caught between a hippo and water. Believe me that isn't as dangerous as being caught between a scotsman and a bottle of whisky.

Canis Lupus
JasonR1972, I raised a little buck after his mother was killed by a truck. He was sweet, loving and his favorite snack was Fig Newtons. Never for even a moment was he dangerous. Deer shy away from humans...they don't attack people.

Player #3833664, ...so follow me follow, down to the hallow, and there we will wallow in glorious mud!!!!🎼🎶

Player Jo-C 333
Canis Lupus, i think JasonR1972 meant largest deadliest animal due to people hurt hitting deer in car accidents

I once made the mistake of getting between a hippo and the river on the Nile in northern Uganda. I escaped, but was reminded of a song my wife's father sang to his grandkids:
"There's a hip hip hippopotamus
Who beat the whole jolly lot of us
He can stay
So they say
Underneath the water for a half a day
But the hip hip hippopotamus
Though a clever fellow in his way
The whole jolly lot of us
Can beat the hippopotamus
He can't say "hip hooray!" "

GreyishOccupation2, I would guess that means hippos only dangerous if they feel threatened, as is the case with most animals other than the human.

Player #6034770, hehahahehahahejaheha humour at the finest

Player Scandali, Yes

Player #112535822
Canis Lupus, deer colliding with autos is what earns them this distinction.

Player #85315195
Player Scandali, because we can use logic, well most of us.

The vast majority of human deaths related to deer come from traffic accidents, usually when people swerve to miss the deer and hit a tree or oncoming car.

A male hippo's tusks are as long as a man's forearm, and he can bite a crocodile in half. That's why crocs don't mess with hippos.

Snakeman 75
Wrong, the hippopotamus is the second largest land animal not the rhinoceros 🤨

Mars V
Ulul, Insects are animals you goofball! Just like we are! Any non-plant living thing is an animal!

KAijah, mosquitoes are insects and not animal

What do you call a one legged Hippo???
A Hoppo. Thanks I’ll be here all week.

Beware the “benevolent hippo” (as in, looks kinda cute, but is really dangerous)

Player #3833664, Flanders and Swann

KookyOrangutan5005, Do you know what this ditty / song is called, would like to search for it 4 all da lyrics

Player #3833664, how cute! hadn't heard of this before (born and lived most my life Southern hemisphere) 😉

Player Scandali, Yes and to All other Sentient Life also! are we learning?

I'm from South Africa & we have different cultures. One of them is that each surname goes along with the type of animals that we associate ourselves with... according this I'm a "hippo" every time when we perform our cultural rituals the rain is always there & that symbolizes that you are indeed a "Hippo" .

In some years, hippos killed up to 3000 people!

Player #6034770, they are probably not very good at climbing trees, so that could be your way out.

Ng Heng Chong
Player Scandali, Totally True and Indisputable!

paul g
Player Scandali, wrong it's the mosquito

Player #38618593
Question said, "large animal".

The Hippopotamus is also known as nature's fireman. They will stomp out veld fires to protect their homes. Amazing animals!

Player #6034770, hippos cannot swim. They only stay underwater because their skin is prone to sunburn.

JasonR1972, Too true...

I always thought the mosquito was responsible for the most fatalities in Africa..

Player #38647643
Theres hippos in the nature reserve 3ks from me.
the explanation does not mention numbers though...

Player #13624693
Player Scandali, for sure we are our own worst enemy

Who knew? I used a hint, else I would have guessed Lions.