Which country is home to the longest-occupied palace in Europe?

Correct answer: UK

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What people think about it: 5 Comments
Peter Montgomery
Peter Montgomery
Player Elf Counsel, it is a badly expressed question as palaces are different to castles both in concept, purpose, construction. so although Windsor is a castle, it's great, but it was not originally designed or intended as Palace. over time it evolved into Royal residence but still not a palace. great castle, great royal residence, but never palace. sorry
Player #96919
Player #96919
beautiful castle, just one of many jewels in our country
Sloane Ranger
Sloane Ranger
Norwegian Rover, Err, yes the UK is a country. It is a recognition contraction for United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Player ppoppins, England is very much part of Europe the continent. I think you are getting confused with the EU which we left at the end of 2019.
Player #16465JoeMike
Player #16465JoeMike
JezzerLX, ok word ly one ..chill