Which American inventor had a deaf mother, married a deaf wife, and taught deaf children?
Correct answer: Alexander Graham Bell

Such amazing information. Why weren't we taught this in school?

Player #96582
Very interesting to know. What a fascinating man.

Must learn something new every day. That is my new for today. and it is a doozy.

dear people I am the father of Koda and married to a wife who is deaf I want to First say the many of the deaf Community do not consider Alexander Graham Bell a hero he was a proponent of oralism and speech use but at the same time this method sought to destroy the use of sign language ASL ASL which I teach the deaf had their own language many years before speech was imposed upon them and forced into their homes taking stripping the original culture Way kids were even tied up and bound in school for many hours made to force to try to speak or exist in a hearing World when they could not hear as well there other subjects that they want to learn to like math science and art were taken away so that they could sit in rooms for hours being drilled and made to speak when they couldn't even hear a crude form of Education that eventually was ratified by the deaf community in the 1900s do you research

MR.ADM, hi, my love. I see you are learning so much about my Deafness and the culture of the Deaf. I am blessed you are sharing this with others to know my “world.”

This is misleading in the sense that it makes him sound like a savior to the deaf. In reality deaf people pretty much hate this man. He tried to sterilize them so they couldnt reproduce. He saw deafness as a curse and forced them to speak, oppressing their ability to communicate in the way that is most natural and enjoyable to them - sign language. Just FYI for those who don't know.

Our Deaf Community’s enemies is Alexander Graham Bell. He destroyed most deaf children’s education because they had to learn lipread. I feel sorry for those hearing parents listened to him and took the deaf children’s language. Shame on them!!

Deaf man here, can confirm CSk8's and Player #1313838's comments. Anyone involved in deaf culture knows that we pride ourselves in being deaf and communication through sign language. Being forced to learn oral is looked down upon.

Player #9495659
MR.ADM, I am not deaf, but very hard of hearing. For me, trying to adjust to hear aids is very difficult. The sudden loudness of the world is so startling. If that was done to children, obviously that is horrible. Society has a strange need to reject anyone, who is different from society's definition of "normal." The white man, took Native American children away from their families and placed them with "decent white folk," around age 4 or 5. As a Social worker, I worked with a woman who had that experience. She was abused throughout her childhood and forced into an arranged marriage at a young age. Society needs to accept differences. A square will never comfortably fit into a round hole, no matter how much it is altered.

Player #1313838
the deaf Community hates this man he oppressed the deaf all the time forcing them to speak and forbid them to use sign language

homeschool kid
I wonder why they didn't teach that in school

I was just thinking how inaccurate this one was..was hoping to see someone drop knowledge..cause Alexander Graham bell was no friend to deaf people

Jeeter4Life, There's a lot of things that weren't being taught in school just like in today's world,

He didn't marry a deaf 'wife ' unless she was already married when he married her. should be he married a deaf woman,or his wife was deaf.

CSk8, Thanx, I didn't know

MR.ADM, I'm so sorry that you had to deal with this awful part of your life. I pray that your healthy & well

I think of Alexander Graham Bell as a Scot. It would be more fair if he were referred to as Scottish-American.

Cat Mom
Wow, lots of negative comments here about the guy!

Jeeter4Life, I know right

So that’s why he TAUGHT sign language?

Where did you get that?

Why insist on a true deaf community while ignoring most of the people on the planet?

Take the initiative.
Read books?

Player #120374466
There's a good movie made in 1939 about Alexander and his wife. It's actors were Don Ameche and Loretta Young, also Henry Fonda.

Player #118103951
I learned ASL in college in the 1990's. Even back then the deaf community rejected lip reading and Oralism. ASL is such a beautiful visual language I think more hearing people should learn it.

Edison was also deaf

Dookie, do you mean unable to speak? just saying we are very good at ignoring our husbands

MR.ADM, he also thought they should not have kids because deaf people contaminated the human race. Guess I don't have to tell who that reminds me of

Jeeter4Life, maybe because he thought deaf people were contaminated and if they had kids it would contaminate the human race!!!

This should have been taught in school.

Jeeter4Life, no need to cuz that evil man is destroying the TRUE DEAF COMMUNITY!! His methods DO NOT WORK for ALL DEAF CHILDREN! Cancel AGB!!!

Chris RN
Patsy 66, My thoughts exactly. So often I read comments such as, “why weren’t we taught that in school?’ The school system isn’t responsible for delivering every fact that is available. That’s why we are to read. Perhaps people have even forgotten much of what WAS taught in school. We must take responsibility for our own education not merely rely on the schools.

MR.ADM, …(continued)… I am very disappointed that the game writers did not present your side; however, there is a good possibility that they simply checked one source and thought it complete.

MR.ADM, whereas you have your truth, there is always other people’s truth. Those who supported Bell with donations probably were not told what you just told us. They were influential people and in their circles, probably thought Bell to be a hero. Hence, where the above information was probably gleaned. The atrocities you mentioned were suppressed to keep Bell’s money flowing into his coffers. (Continued)…

If we had been taught these interesting facts in school, I just might have enjoyed history more. As it was, I was very fortunate to have an American history professor in college who taught us things like this. Geez! Maybe I can audit the courses just for the knowledge now! I am too old and disabled to spend money on education; it would be wasteful for my household. But to learn it for the mere sake of knowledge….??

I didn't know this but I wish he would have been rewarded something for his other works

Jeeter4Life, love this

Patsy 66
Jeeter4Life, if you read books outside of school you might learn more stuff.....🤷♀️🤷♀️🤷♀️

I can't believe I worked for the phone company years ago, and never knew this until now!!

Jeeter4Life, I know, Right?