In what year did Constantine I call the First Council of Nicaea?

Correct answer: 325

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Mars V
Mars V
kgb, Peter was martyred in Rome.
kgb, Paul went to Rome, Peter did not. Peter & the other 11 apostles never left Jeruslam by the direct instructions of the Lord. They were to convert all Jerusalem to the truth that Jesus Christ was, in fact, their Messiah. Then they could move on to Samaria where they were to do the same...and then to " the uttermost parts of the world. But Jeruslem was not converted so they never left. And, yes, the Book of Romans does exsist.
am I confusing this a second Nicaean thing. I thought, mid fifth century and the Nicaean creed?
Player #27643412
Player #27643412
Laudy Miss Claudy, I hate to tell you, there was still infighting, there still is, they just smooth it over sothe outside world sees a unified body.
Laudy Miss Claudy
Laudy Miss Claudy
stashio2020, After debate there was no more conflict within the one Christian Church. If fact, they compiled their beliefs into the Nicene Creed and 1.5 billion Catholics recite this same creed at every Mass.
Player omnpl , so Peter and Paul didn't go to Rome and the Letter to the Roman's doesn't exist?