In which country is the Simpson Desert found?
Correct answer: Australia
Never heard of that desert but got it right.
FunTriv here are the sizes of some of our deserts here in Australia:
Great Victoria Desert (348,
Great Sandy Desert (267,
Tanami Desert (184,
Simpson Desert (176,
Gibson Desert (156,
Little Sandy Desert (111,
Strzelecki Desert (80,
That sand is beautiful, though.
4th largest just in Australia ? Wow, what are the others that are larger ?
Paul Steadman
Kiwozzie, Thank you!
Player #120374466
I didn't know Australia had petroleum.
Kiwozzie, good to know all
penawareof, Me too.
Player #
The name Simpson Desert was coined by Cecil Madigan, after Alfred Allen Simpson, an Australian industrialist, philanthropist, geographer, and president of the South Australian branch of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia. Mr Simpson was the owner of the Simpson washing machine company.
Source: wikipedia (have you ever thought about how great that site is)