What country became a nation in 1948?
Correct answer: Israel

free palestine

Player #695903, er, the people who the Bible call Israelites, not just the Jews. All Jews are Israelites but not all Israelites are Jewish. Heard of the Lost Ten Tribes?

70 years this year

BadBeam44212, 🤣what a load of bull☆☆ks. is that why Israels wont allow journalists in or people who want to help the Palestinians, they are integrated and turned away. when i visited Israel the horrible travel rep- Israeli, did nothing but slate muslims, calling them theives. We weren't allowed to shop in any of the Palestinians stores. You're chopping down their olive tress and keeping moving them further bk

Player #43101730
Palestine in heart ❤️

And trying to do an ethnical cleanse themselves, pushing Christian and Muslim Palestinians out of their houses.

My cat's name is Mittens.

Blue Illusion, it was called Palestine by the Romans, and they ruled Israel for many centuries. Educate yourself before commenting please.

* Seshati *
Give the land back to all the people displaced of their ancestral lands everywhere, share & share alike with good will, we only have one planet. If the Jews can reclaim theirs than so can those who’ve been unjustly treated & cast aside in countries of First Nations people’s & other indigenous peoples. Keep culture & language alive. That goes for all languages close to being lost .. may their stories, songs & dances be remembered. One Love.

Player #1452815, learn the facts ! the name Israel means land of God ! not God given land !

Dear Jewish brothers and sisters. Please, stop playing the eternal victims.

It's not real! it's a illegal terrorist occupier
Free Palestine

Player #125843019
Bita🥀, and your point

Player #125843019
miguel!!!, from what???

soulangiana, in history it was more years as a Muslim land than a Jewish land. Education is important.

charlotte, Who told you? Does God talk to you? Enough with the constant wars! IF no peace is made, only dead people will be left!

let's Just try to live and let live

Israel is not a nation, it is an invasion of Palestine.

James, I baked a lemon pound cake

I’m a bit puzzled by all of the rhetoric behind a historical event that was a CONTROVERSY from its inception in 1948. I was not born until 8 years later but since then I have Witnessed a war when I was 9 years old in 1967!! I was told nothing about the real reason for the war but in USA I was given a slanted view with no real evidence
Some 46 years later 9/11 World Trade Center Pentagon n Pennsylvania crashes n still there is no reality to the horror on Both sides
I may be naive but when does it END? There can be no zero sum winner or loser both the Jewish state and there must be a settlement for the Palestines! Enough bloodshed

TwoTin16, I'm Jewish but am not an Israelite!

Imphx, natives never left the land

Player #13023389, Britain not England

Viva Palestina libre!!!!!

That's on my bucket list!

Imphx, Māoris are from New Zealand, not Australia.

Player #1452815, 🤣🤣