What are common symptoms of influenza?
Correct answer: Fever, body aches, headache, cough

Saint Nine
Player LolaB, I agree. People often conflate it with a bad cold, but it's much worse. I've had it once and it's debilitating. Utter exhaustion and I sweated through three layers of towels, all of which were soaked through (sorry, not very pleasant, but I'm just trying to illustrate how bad it is).

Saint Nine
linkstamer, that's what happens when you have a health system based on what you can afford rather than what you need. I know that despite our pride in and claims that the NHS is the best health system in the world, it isn't. For a start it's being privatised by the back door and the French have the highest proportion of doctors to patients in Europe, if not the world. However, that treatment is free and according to need at the point of service is praiseworthy and admirable.
I used to work in the Royal Society of Medicine's library and found that there are two kinds of doctors: those who think they're here for the benefit of their patients and those who think patients are there for their benefit. The US system is going to attract the latter. Add to that America's tendency to litigation and it's not surprising that doctors over treat; they want to cover their arsed and avoid any chance of a law suit. What do you call 100 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean? A start! 😂

Saint Nine, Part of the 'overtreatment' problem is patients themselves...people switching doctors until they find one who will give them what they want, including antibiotics for the common cold.

Player #19472386
Not fun to get the flu.

Player SQinfoNUTS
linkstamer, thank you for the information. However the name of the hospital is Johns Hopkins. Namedfor two men Doctor Johns and a doctor Hopkins.

( Snail Darter)
Birdiemom, It’s easy to over-medicate if you live in a country where purchasing antibiotics doesn’t require an initial visit to a Doctors Office......

Saint Nine
RushMama2112, the second is hay fever and flu doesn't normally include chest pains. As for vomiting and diarrhoea are definitely not symptoms of flu.

PBAlice54, vomitting and diarrhea are bacterial, not viral, though both can be caused by food allergies.

Player en_846
2020 Oct almost 40 million cases with over 1 million deaths.

Copy Flock
As a mild insomniac, I really enjoyed having the flu. 20+ hours of sleep per day for a few glorious days. The headache was annoying, but on balance I'd give it 8/10. Would recommend. Unfortunately I've only ever had it once.

regarding any kind of flu I know only one solution to eradicate it it is called Oscillococcinum by Boiron it is a homeopathic solution and a miracle for flu ,use it as soon as first symptoms occur

Why is my avitar male I am female grrrr

We get our 'flu shots every year and have never caught it again.

Angela M
Aka CV19

Player #5100533
sukebe, That's true, but, Body aches are the confirming factor, that probably indicate you have the flu.

Player #28332588
LolaB, yup. been there.

Those could all be symptoms of influenza.

Player #2512936
USA has a medical rip off. Doctors Tell You how much money you have in the Bank and then they want it.

I just saw the fourth option and just clicked on it.. Yeah..it was right..

PBAlice54, yes Doctor!

, hahahh lol very funny I like that.

Where is "All of these" when we need it? ;)

, oh dear ,
! But like the pun !

PBAlice54, yes that is what I was to,d

Medical professionals will make recommendations for treatment for almost anything. Even if they don't know the side effects and long-term implications. Also, in a John Hopkins study it was found that 250,000 people a year die from medical mistakes yearly. Everyone out there take care of yourself. An ounce of prevention is worth even more than a pound of treatment!

symptoms vary with influenza your definition isn't completely correct.as a medical professional I completely disagree, and protest your partial answer