In 1924 what school had the "Four Horsemen" on their football team?
Correct answer: Notre Dame

Now go out there and win one for the Gipper!!!

Player Elf Counsel
hawkeye9090, Never heard of them in Australia, of course. But seemed likely it would have religion connotations. So I picked the right one.

Player #1009520
Elmer Layden was a family friend. He wrote a book about how football used to be played. Interesting & humble guy. I never knew he was one of the Four Horseman until I saw his picture in a newsreel in history class. When I asked him about it, he said “You never asked if I was one of the Four Horseman.” Great sense of humor.

Sports writers are underrated. You'll find some of the best writing in a newspaper in the sports section.

I actually remember this answer from the movie "Rudy". wonderful movie!

Player #1443092
I did right I remember this from high school and also College The Four Horsemen

The Fighting Irish go.. Go ND 12&0...

Player #19472386
The coach was also famous for his coaching abilities.

Player Elf Counsel, Notre Dame is a university in Indiana, and very catholic.

Jadebriah Hamilton
good answer for Player #1009520

My favorite College Football Team. Followed by Navy. Go Navy beat Army. Oohraah!!

WOP, I'm a Purdue gal..but, I Root for of Indiana's teams!

Shaddy1997, Mitch Albom... A great sports writer for the Detroit Free Press and a gifted writer in general.

Now, I know my football, but, that was definitely way before my time! 🏈

Player #13501314
don't forget Rudy rudy

And Iowa had the "Ironmen."

Fandango40011, why not questions about the US?