What scientist said this quote? "Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds."

Correct answer: Robert Oppenheimer

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What people think about it: 20 Comments
Chemistry, physics, metallurgy, ordnance, engineering. For fun, he learns Sanskrit. My kinda guy.
Guillermo Jr.
Guillermo Jr.
ya can't put the genie back in the bottle..
Supergirl, for the same reason he fought the use of it for the rest of his life, he knew
Player.    Ty
Player. Ty
They had NO IDEA of the potential of that Bomb. Talk about experimentation💀
Player #38618593
Player #38618593
Like Nobel who regretted the ways in which his explosive invention was used and afterwards established prizes to encourage positive contributions to himanity.
Player #24358685
Player #24358685
Player. Ty, there were some in the group who thought the chain reaction would continue and incinerate the earth!
I hope my granddaughter will grow up and become the first child of color to be a commander of the first starship like in Star Trek Voyager.
Player. Ty, some scientists thought it would start an uncontrollable chain reaction and blow up the entire planet, that's quite a risk to take
"Fat Man And Little Boy" illustrated the working relationship between Groves and Oppenheimer.
GreatGrandYaYa, , he knew, he invented something that was against all humanity. It will be our demise someday. Statue of Liberty will be lying on beach, like in the movie.
Perr Bear
Perr Bear
Player. Ty, I was astounded to learn that along about the same time they were developing the atomic bomb, they already had a very decent handle on Thermonuclear Ballistics, a.k.a. Hydrgen Bombs. They were afraid to detonate one because everyone was afraid it could ignite the atmosphere and annihalate life as we know it on Earth.
Perr Bear
Perr Bear
GreatGrandYaYa, Andrei Sakharov, the physicist that developed the Soviet Union's hydrogen bomb became a dissident shortly after, and became barred from entering the laboratories he was employed with.
Player #120374466
Player #120374466
That quote could be applied to Satan. But God will not allow him or his protégé to destroy this world. Revelation 11:18
 Chris RN
Chris RN
Supergirl, Because it is written in a poetic fashion. It’s from Sanskrit.
Supergirl, so you want to change the text that he originally quoted?
WaldoLydeker, ditto
presco2201, it doesn’t do that on my phone
Player SQinfoNUTS
Player SQinfoNUTS
presco2201, I noticed that too. Another mystery of this game. on occasion though it does seem to act as it should. We persist
Player Applezwork2, so that's why I thought Einstein was the correct answer
Player Applezwork2
Player Applezwork2
Yes but it was Einstein who paved the way with his thinking and also felt remorse. He was found dead of natural causes, we hipsters tripped that he took his being off into thought energy leaving his body