Which William Shakespeare play has the quote: "All that glisters is not gold—"?
Correct answer: The Merchant of Venice

well I googled it an apparently the original was glisters. there you go...

I thought it was "glitters"?
Okay then...

very happy to see this quoted correctly as "glisters" and not the too common misquote glistens!

Player #6728320
Trivia-Dean, glisters is an English word e. g. The ring glisters in the sunshine an old word for sparkles

"Glisters", "Glistens", or "Glitters" - All means the same thing. Don't be fooled by looks. Just because a thing appears valuable or desireable, doesn't necessarily mean it is. There are so many examples of that fact - sadly, too many to count.

My 2nd favourite Shakespeare play, after Macbeth. Good to see it says "glisters" not glitters, or glistens.

Wouldn't surprise me that the "glisters" misquote was due to one of Tolkiens songs from the Lord of the Rings. It was obviously inspired by Shakespeare:
"All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost."

Trivia-Dean, I thought is was glistens!

Player #97184361
cambridge gel, I say go with what’s easier off the tongue, eh. !

I read this book in school.

Player #18921443noreen
Trivia-Dean, I thought it was glitters, also. never heard the word glisters

Mr Chris
the merry devil of Edmonton?????

William Shakespeare is a legend that no one will forget...

VividPotion6704, Actually the more common quote is glitters. Not glistens.

Trivia-Dean, who really truly cares? I think we all got and understood it.

Player #8164039
Liked the book

Player #9109705, that was Chaucer...way before Shakespeare.

nellicent, You are a bit rude aren't you.

palitja, GLISTERS??? WTF.

Missy K
Trivia-Dean, stuck on the Stairway, are we?

DKelly, it was when Shakespeare wrote it. Is understood by anyone with a bit of education