Why are most calico cats female?
Correct answer: Genetics. Color carried on X chromosomes.

I love this game!! I learn something new every time I play!!!

calico cats are different and quite corky .I had one thank God I opened the refrigerater .I went to put food away and she jumped out .I don't know how she got in it

Player #3906185
town01, I for one do not believe that a Male who is sterile in any life form is not still a man. I don't believe that because I loved a sterileized male who was 100 percent all of the man he was to be. only better than that!

I had a male calico cat years ago. His mom was a dilute calico and that litter was comprised of 1 male and 1 female calico, 2 white kittens with black spots on their heads, and 1 grey and white kitten.

My calico is named Shelby and is a rescue! She was living at our local library with two other cats.

Player #26305348
Legendary singer Freddie Mercury(Queen) addored cats.On his/Queens last album Inuenndo(1991) from his lifetime,he whrote and dedicate one of song name Delillah to one of his several cats,btw Delillah was callico cat.RIP Freddie Mercury (1946-1991).

Wow! Still learning a lot from this site--its amazing! I had a Calico cat and I named her Meow! I loved that cat so much. I also enjoy reading your comments. I may disagree w/ some of your views, but value your opinions and love that we all come from different backgrounds. Other times, I am laughing so hard....

P- Swivel Bitches
i had no idea

Player #17239212, please don't declaw any kitty you get. It's the same as amputating your fingers at the last knuckle.

I remember my grandfather telling me this. and they didnt have the internet. haha

Speaking of other colour patterns in cats, ginger tabbies are generally male, although my Aunt had a rare ginger tabby female who had one litter of kittens and lived for over 20 years!

ALMOST! ImpossibleI had a male calico.

quiz creator
i didn't even know calico cats😭😭😭

Player #3906185, Very true!

I have an all ginger female cat. No white. Also rare as gingers tend to be male.

crazy genetic lines. good thing the males have a high stamina. lest the breed dissappear from lack of offspring.

I totally agree; declawing is a very cruel practice. many vets refuse to perform this procedure because of this. I recommend that anyone considering this for their cat check out the facts before doing so.

sounds like typical cat behavior, regardless of fur color or gender. Glad you opened the door before it was too late!

Purple dolphin
I have a calico coloured cat called orchid and she is the most comforting cat that I’ve ever known

arya bhat
I have a cailco cat so I already knew itl😉

Melode, if you saw Freddie's house in Earls Court London..the back gate had a 6" gap onto a sloping drive that the cats used to be able to access at night.theyd often trigger the security lights .
I guess that's how he knew he had feline visitors to feed..??
not a stalker.just a passing neighbour..

re cra8zy red - Note for English players, what Americans call a purse, we call a handbag! What they call a real purse, I don't know. Thought you might like to know, instead of trying to imagine a cat fitting into what we call a purse! And will it alienate you all if I say I don't like cats? I'll go now before I get lynched!

Very interesting, my friend had 2 Calico Cats and they were both female, sadly they both died this year (2022), may they rest in peace

im happy i always choose the right answer,amazing game

Female have XX chromosomes, and Male have XY chromosomes, so only Male can give baby boys, we just studied this in biology last month. It's all about Genetics.

not aryan
MoodyChef92025, why are you telling this to us

I love Cats!!!!

Frank Zappa, I knew a friend that had a calico..she had no less than 8 litters, but never had a calico kitten!

phalda men
have a calico cats.. now I call him calico..

MoodyChef92025, wow!!!!

because my name is one,Meeeoooow

I love kitties 😻😻😽😽

i had a tortoiseshell cat. al her male offspring were ginger, females were tortoise!

Freddie mercury had up to 10 cats at one point. he used to call them when he was on tour. most of them he got from a shelter. the others were given to him. he loved them like children. they even got their food speciallyade. talk about spoiled.

Player #66817220
Player #3906185, relax. They're talking about cats.

The wording in the question kinda got me to pause for a second.
I agree with you- just because a male cannot reproduce that doesn't make him less "male".

MoodyChef92025, You are right.

i also have a female calico cat.. "Nekumaru" is her name

Player #20048639
For 55 years, I've told people that I had a tortoiseshell cat, but now I find, thanks to this game, that I actually had a calico cat. New word to me.

Linda Reiger
what do you mean it isn't a true male because it can't reproduce?!