What event caused World War 1 to begin?
Correct answer: The killing of Archduke Ferdinand

I'm not sure that anyone can seriously claim that that Assassination actually caused World War One. It was certainly the spark that set off a chain of events that led to the declaration of war, but tensions had been inexorably building for more than two decades before 1914.
An excellent read that explains it all best is a book called 'Dreadnought: Britain,Germany and the Coming of the Great War' by Robert K Massie

sunsetdb7, I agree, the question should instead of what 'caused' be what 'triggered' or 'set off' WWI.

Why is it that I can only read a handful of comments? I'll see someone reply to a persons comment, but they cut off the comment section and you are unable to read the original comment. It's annoying...

I learned of Gavrilo Princip in high school. They taught us that he was a terrorist. What they never mentioned is that Princip is actually considered a hero in Serbia. There is a statue of him in Belgrade, and his house, destroyed by the war, was rebuilt and is a museum now. There are two sides to every story.

Player #15294530
Gavrilo Princip was a part of a group called Mlada Bosna which means Young Bosnia and they were against Austro hungarian empire and their tyrany...the fact that he was Serb by etnicity only proves that there were a lot of Serbs living in Bosnia and also that Ferdinand and Austro hungarian empire were a tyrants...nothing else...dont lie to people!

fun way to remember some history

IrrelevantMentality3, It's because they leave the answer as a new comment, rather than 'anchor' it to the comment they are answering. I find it really annoying too.

Player #14807069
common misbelief.....the assassination was just an excuse

sunsetdb7, the problem is that this game only takes extracts out od wikipedia, if you read the entire text its more complicated

Player #34175592
It was the final trigger but not the only cause. There were many things that led to the outbreak of hostilities

IrrelevantMentality3, I agree wholeheartedly!!

Republic of Taiwan
The original comment could have been deleted by the person who made the comment??

Tina M.
IrrelevantMentality3, I think it's because there would be way too many comments if they didn't delete some.

sunsetdb7, thanks for suggesting the Dreadnought, always looking for a good read.

IrrelevantMentality3, the managers delete comments that they think might be inappropriate.

Player #51138161
This wasn't a killing. It was an ASSASSINATION. There is a big difference.

RI Girl
IrrelevantMentality3, I agree!

sunsetdb7, I was visiting my mom yesterday and we actually talked about WWI, I asked what started it and that was what's she said.Idk the validity of the statement, just thought what a neat coincidence. coincidence

IrrelevantMentality3, yh I get the same , it is really annoying

Player #44710449
Who was this? what happened to the answers being displayed when my tablet updated your game??? I love this game but I like to learn. without an explanation I CAN'T LEARN!!!

Player #36023672
So if I understand the explanation correctly, WWI began with a civil war??

Player #25874027
What part of assassination and war are fun?

helo, from Sarajevo, Visoko-Bosnian piramids

Player #12970461
sunsetdb7, its true do yr homework

You can see the car where Ferdinand and Sophie was shouted (also marks of the bullets) in Austrian historical museum in Vienna.

present day circumstances today have similar events that hopefully will not repeat

Player #8008224gato
IrrelevantMentality3, annoying!!!

Player Darius
IrrelevantMentality3, Yes it is!!!

Oh, and then they'll start repeating peoples comments. SOOO ANNOYING!!

The Zimmerman Note? The sinking of the Lusitania?

sunsetdb7, thanks

Player #66526
FaithfulReader, thst was ww2