"It's not nice to fool Mother Nature" was a slogan for what family product?

Correct answer: Margarine

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Player #16931
Player #16931
Butter is much better, naturale
Player #24358685
Player #24358685
Player #16931, I did a term paper on butter vs margarine. The Framingham study, which started the push to replace butter with margarine, had been revisited twenty years later. While more butter eaters had died at the ten-year point (albeit only a few of any category had died), at thirty years, the the curve had flipped dramatically. The butter eaters outlived TBE margarine eaters, with heavier (but not insanely so) users living longest. The opposite was true of margarine, with the heavy users dying the most. The study's conclusion? Those who died earlier likely had contributing factors to their demise, and butter clearly is better for humans. And why wouldn't it? Margarine is vegetable oil, hydrogenated with 0.5g of trans fat (so it can rounded down to 0g), a touch of salt ant coloring. if it weren't hydrogenated, it would liquid. Don't eat that stuff. Enjoy butter, but don't eat a cube every day.
Great ad campaign that put a face to Mother Nature (the actress Dena Dietrich) for a generation.
I love butter but I'm lactose intolerant. I can eat it occasionally but I have to take a handful of lactase pills.
Player #24358685, good info, thanks! I'll have to cut back a cube it two,lol.
Player Elf Counsel, way to many American centred questions, my major dislike on this game!