What was the real life Dracula's nickname?
Correct answer: Vlad the Impaler

Mihai Mc
I am Romanian. I probably know better that most of you about Vlad the Empaler. In Romania he is known as Vlad Tzepesh. He never ruled in Transylvania. He has ruled in the South region of today's Romania... Vallachia (we also name it Tzara Romaneasca). Transylvania is settled north of Vallachia. The old name for Romanians in different parts of Europe is blah or vlah. Vlad Tzepesh ruled in the middle of the 15th century and fought against the Ottoman Empire. His best known victory happened in a night attack over the Ottoman troops that invaded his lands.

Player #127011
his name was Vlad Dracul.

Player #112358
Vlad the Impaler was not violent. As he had limited military capabilities compared to the Ottoman Empire he had to come up with unconventional strategies... like impaling the ottoman invaders... in order to scare them.

Montana Lady
nimblemoon, When I solo-backpack, I now carry bear spray but it's not the bears I worry about... people can be absolutely horrible to each other.

Player #112358, If impaling people is not violent in your eyes, remind me to never imteract with you

Player #112358, What really scared the wood be invaders was the fact that many of the impaled were his own country men. I mean if that's how he treated his own, how much worse would he treat an enemy.

His name had its origin in the Romanian sobriquet of his father Vlad Dracul ("Vlad the Dragon")
Dracul also means "devil", which contributed to Vlad's bad reputation.
Vlad III is known as Vlad Tepes .

Fun guy
Crucifixion, being hung, hung upside down, eaten by ants, burned alive, by stoning, buried alive, .. who's to say who created the cruelest death ? Any slow death is cruel.

Player SQinfoNUTS
Player #112358, please bear in mind that impaling did not always kill a person. Sometimes they lived for days or even weeks.

* Seshati *
Knodel1966, the superstition of the vampire came from a couple of sources 1. Highly superstitious people who probably over exaggerated or were overly fearful as it commonly seen without logic & proven scientific fact this combined with local mythological beliefs 2. There have been cases of Porphyric Hemophilia. Porphyria has been suggested as the origin of the vampire & the werewolf legends, based upon certain similarities between the condition & folklore, or such not completely sure. Just a thought; although another theory is as I’ve seen in some documentaries over the years where people who were buried alive would be heard making sounds, this has been known to happen the world over prior to modern day medical techniques, understanding & the practice of autopsies. Bells were added to the inside of coffins on strings to alert of a premature burial & wrongful acknowledgment of death hence the term the graveyard shift were a cemetery attendant would listen out for any bells.

Mihai Mc, thank you for this information

Mars V
So Bram Stoker just borrowed the name…. Big deal!

Sorry, but all of you have his real name wrong ..it was Bela Lugosi!

He is known in Romania as Vlad Țepeș, from the word țeapă (spike).

Player #127011, Actually, Vlad Dracul was Vlad the Impaler's father. The legend of Dracula is based on Vlad the Impaler.

Player #127011, he was not. His father, Vlad the II-nd was Vlad Dracul. He was Vlad the III-rd, the Impaler, grandson of Mircea the Elder.

Player #127011, you are right. 😊

Player #52565397
Vlad only impaled the Ottomons as sign of warning! He could never match the Ottomons so he took this to an extreme levels. When your people are being killed, looted and raped, one is left with no option but to come up with an out of the box idea though barbaric.

* Seshati *, As well as the term "graveyard shift" putting bells in the coffins also gave rise to the term "dead ringer" lol. I have a friend whose aunt was "dead" for a week before waking up on the day they were going to bury her! It happened only 15-20 yrs ago in Fiji.

Player #34175592, it was stoker and believe it or not he never actually stepped foot in transylvania.
why is the ottoman empire referred to as being Islamic? it had little to do with religion and more to do with power.
the church of England/roman catholic British empire....

Mihai Mc
Also... his family was part of the order of "Draculini"... And this is where he takes his other name from... Vlad Dracul (dracul = the devil).

Player #34175592
"Dracula is Irish, Stoker had an interest in Irish folklore and the character of Dracula was based on a Celtic chieftain called Abhartach, who is buried in the townland of Slaughtaverty between Garvagh and Dungiven in Derry

Player #2929570
* Seshati *, Thus the saying "saved by the bell". Also, they think vampirism was associated with tuberculosis before they knew what that was

Goodbye Moonmen
Player #127011, that's from the movie Dracula. His real name was Glad Tepes

Inès L
Nickname ???? Or real name ?

* Seshati *
nimblemoon, these were horrible times, you could attempt to read up on his story to understand the story of the Prince of Wallachia, History isn’t kind to some people’s story’s while others it seems to be too kind. We will never know whether he was bad or good & just protecting his lands, one thing for certain is that they were desperate times which called for desperate measures. It should be noted he it seems that he is revered in his homeland of Romania

Player. Ty
Player #127011,
Vlad Tepish..... family of Dracul.( Dragon)💀

L. Miguel
Christopher Lee?!

Vlad the Impaler was a nickname, not an actual title.

Player pamico
His name did not include "the Impaler" (or "Țepeș", in Romanian) - that was an insulting sobriquet applied to him by his enemies.

Soleil10001, Tepes means " the impaler" 🤓

Player Elf Counsel
Player #112358, I believe Chaka Zulu also impaled people.

Destino Manifesto
Chezikeets, "wood be". I get it! LOL. 😅

Era Vulgaris, yes glad was not a pleasant guy. Impaling can indeed take months before person dies.

Player #112358, but not violent? ??