Which actress was passed over for the lead role in the 1964 film "My Fair Lady"?
Correct answer: Julie Andrews

Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicin go down. Doh a deer, a female deer. Great songs, great films, a real lady.

Roberta Ann
I also liked Julie Andrews "The Princess Diaries - Parts 1 & 2"

If she had gotten the part of Eliza Doolittle, she wouldn’t have played Mary Poppins; for which she won the Academy Award for best actress.

I think of "Little Miss Marker."

Just remember the Oscar for Roman Holiday, which was Hepburn’s first co-starring role.

Byrde Alpha Bitch
When we think of Julie Andrews movies, the first one we think of is "10" (1979). A very different role from her main "sugar coated" movies.