Over 70% of the mass of the Sun is made of what gas?
Correct answer: Hydrogen

Missy K
This fascinates me, I wonder how do they know the elements of things such as the sun, planets black holes, et cetera? I also wonder if they are just theorizing.

Claire ripley
The sun god, it’s a balance 🌒🌕🌘 Moon = the Goddess, Sun = God...”Tell me the story about how the sun loved the moon so much he died every night to let her breathe....By Ashlee Krammes 🦚🦚🦚🧜🏽♀️🧜🏽♀️🌼🌼💫💫

Player en_846
Missy K, Neil Degrasse Tyson explains so much of how they know what they do.

Simple answer is spectroscopy; if you observe the sun or another star through a spectroscope you see dark lines in the spectrum specific to what elements are present

I’d like to meet the person who got close enough to find this out..if of course they aren’t changed into the element that is charcoal!

Player #39952620
Gary_Melbourne, jeez, they so have.

TheSocialMisanthrope, that be Eric idle?