What title is given to an unaltered mature female cat?

Correct answer: Queen

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What people think about it: 6 Comments
Player #2775901
Player #2775901
So the Queen was the author of the answer?
The vocalist of Queen, Freddy Mercury, was big time cat lover. They were adored by the Egyptians and pharaohs had them buried with them in their tombs. Dogs drool; cats rule!
Paula J
Paula J
So what is an altered female cat called
Player #27149342 pixie
Player #27149342 pixie
I like the idea of a large group of cats being called a glaring!
It seems odd to need to describe what a domestic cat is. 8 million cats are kept as pets in Britain... not all in one house, of course.
Player #38618593
Player #38618593
Artemis, It means not spayed.