Which English king died in the Battle of Bosworth Field?
Correct answer: Richard III

Player #1437594
Player Elf Counsel, People tend to forget Shakespeare was a playwright not a historian. Henry was a...sniff Tudor. My humble opinion those little Princes were disposed of by Henry's mother, Margaret.

Richard Ill body was actually found under a car park in Leicester, not London. Leicester being close to Bosworth Hill.

luckycatfay, I suggest YOU read his history! Not Shakespeare, but history. Real history. RIII was neither evil nor hunchbacked.

was Richard III really the horrible person we think he was? I doubt it.

No they weren't killed in the tower as I'm a Descendant of Edward the V who escaped and went to France and married into French Royal Bloodline.

luckycatfay, lots of other people could have murdered them, notably Henry VII's mother. They could even have been smuggled out of the Tower. Maybe Perkin Warbeck really was the younger one . .

reclusivesavyigloo, yes! She is descended from Edward VI, Richard's elder brother. They were Plantagenets. Edward's daughter Elizabeth, married Henry VII, the first Tudor, and had several children.

WaldoLydeker, not London. In Leicester, where he is now buried in the Cathedral.

Player #2867050
Player #1437594, n

They recently discovered Richard III's bones under someplace in modern London. They have undergone analysis to see what else was ailing him besides his deformity.

luckycatfay, it's often said that Henry's mother Margaret could have organised it

UnderwayRout4, me too

Queen Elizabeth has some Plantagrnent connection even if she is a Windsor.

Player #1437594, that is my thinking also

Player #96919
luckycatfay, I don't believe he murdered the boys, there were other suspects too

Player #2564553, read more -there’s no evidence that Richard iii killed his nephews

He must have murdered the prince's in the tower they were gone long before he died in battle