Who was the only recipient of the Victoria Cross awarded on D-Day (6 June 1944)?
Correct answer: Stanley Hollis

because of the brave, we live free.

Wonderful info. This is why I play this game. 🎖

Makes you proud to be British and question if the world of today can produce men with that courage.

As a British Army veteran I salute you sir for your actions in the face of adversity. What the write up does not say is that Hollis survived the war and died in 1972 aged 59.

Player Moosic
Why the thumbs down? He was a military hero in the best of British tradition. The VC is awarded rarely for extreme valour and selfless action in the face of adversity to military personnel only. If this wasn't such an act then I'm not sure what is!

Player #9809468
Stormy, There are still plenty of brave people out there. They are not all in the military or armed to the teeth, either.

Player #25874027
It does say he died in 1972

Hero ❤️

Player #70553044
British or not what a brave man and well deserving of his honors

During the 1980s Cleveland Police had a Police horse named "Hollis" in honour of Stanley Hollis who had lived in the area. I was "Hollis's" rider whilst I was in the mounted section.

Gooner65, got it wrong but I had heard the story, now I know the name

We owe Stanley and all the other brave lads who fought on that day and many terrible ones after a huge debt of thanks and gratitude not just for Britains freedom but the worlds.

Gary_Melbourne, Yeah Victorians are a snooty lot at the best of times

Gooner65, I wonder where the statue is

Player #2512936
Gooner65, First sentance!